"I've been better," he murmured, offering up a weak smile. Dream's thumb rubbed at George's hand, offering support.

"It's good to see you up," Niki replied. "And if you're feeling up to it, would you want to go out for lunch? Both of you?" Dream and George immediately looked at each other questioningly.

"Only if you're feeling ok. Whatever you want to do, it's up to you," Dream insisted. George hesitated for a moment, before accepting Niki's offer of lunch.

They all hopped in Dream's car, letting him drive them to a medium-sized restaurant, advertising... well, none of them really knew, considering the sign was in Japanese. But it seemed like a nice place to have lunch.

They seated themselves, picking up menus and picking out something to eat. George had already started to regret agreeing to go out, because his ribs were bothering him again. Not wanting to put an end to their fun, he steeled himself, pretending he wasn't hurting as much as he was.

They ordered food, and it arrived fairly quickly. Niki and Dream were carrying the conversation, neither of them wanting to pressure George into talking.

"Hey, I gotta go to the bathroom, I'll be right back," Dream stated, standing up and leaving the table. George felt more exposed without him there.

"So, George, tell me everything! What's going on between you two?" Niki asked in a hushed whisper, looking giddy with excitement. George sighed.

"...Nothing..." Niki gave him a look. "Niki, I don't even know... he's been so nice to me, but I just can't tell what he's thinking," George frowned. "He does so many confusing things. I thought we were about to kiss earlier-"

"Wait, hold on, what?" Niki interrupted, eyebrows raised. "Don't skip over that, tell me!" George shook his head, a light smile gracing his features.

"Ugh- fine. He grabbed my chin and like... made me look up at him?" He explained, chuckling nervously. "His face was so close, and I thought he was going to kiss me..." George sighed.

"Would you kiss back if he did?"

"I-" George's gaze flickered to the bathroom door, seeing Dream walk out. He looked back at Niki, staring her dead in the eyes. "Yes."

"Hey, what're we talking about?" Dream asked, smiling charmingly.

"Oh, Niki was just asking if I was enjoying Tokyo," the brunette lied with ease. Dream nodded, sliding back into the booth next to George.

"It's pretty cool here isn't it?" He mused. Niki and George nodded in agreement. Japan truly was a cool place.

Niki and Dream fell back into conversation, George listening and nodding every once in awhile. He was doing his best to ignore the stabbing pain in his chest, but he desperately needed another dose of meds.

"Dream?" George murmured, tugging at the blond's sleeve. Dream looked at him, eyebrows raised in question. "Can we go soon?"

"Of course, Georgie. Are you ok?" He asked, concern shining through his tone.

"Mhm. My ribs just hurt a little." They hurt a lot more than "a little," but George didn't want to rush anyone. Dream stood up immediately, offering him a hand.

"Then let's go, it'll be good for you to rest. Niki, do you need a ride back to the village?" He offered.

"No, you guys can go. Feel better, George," Niki smiled sympathetically, giving them a little wave. Dream grabbed George's unbroken hand, pulling him to his feet. They walked out to the car, Dream supporting George much more than earlier that day. The smaller boy was tired and hurting, that much was obvious.

They made it to the car, George laying his head against the window and closing his eyes. Dream didn't say anything, trying not to disturb him.

They drove back to the village, Dream staying quiet. He was fairly sure George was asleep, so after parking, the blond went over to George's door, opened it, unbuckled George, and picked the sleeping boy up bridal style, being extra careful of his ribs and wrist.

Dream carried George all the way back to their room, setting him down on the bed. George stirred, blinking sleepily.

"Dream?" He slurred, a soft groan escaping his lips.

"Hey, George. Feeling alright?" Dream tilted his head, the corners of his lips curling up slightly. The brunette shrugged a little, humming. "How about I get you some painkillers and ice? We can lay together for a little while too."

"Ok." George smiled to himself while Dream grabbed stuff for him. He felt so lucky to have met the blond, even though he desperately wished for more, he didn't want to push anything, especially since Dream hadn't mentioned anything about his sexuality. George didn't want to assume.

"Here, take these." Dream handed him a fresh glass of water and two pills, which George downed gratefully. He set the glass down, letting Dream pull his hoodie off and put the ice against his skin, a thin towel in between.

"Good?" Dream asked, hands poised above George's chest.

"Yeah, thank you." Dream nodded, climbing into bed next to George. There was less hesitation before they cuddled into each other, turning the tv on.

"George, look, Tommy and Toby are playing again," Dream pointed out, one hand in George's hair. The smaller boy was partially laying on Dream, head resting on the blond's chest comfortably.

"They're so good," George murmured, watching the beach volleyball match. Tommy and Toby were up against a Ukrainian team, and it was a fairly close match so far. The Ukrainians were older and bigger than the British boys, but Tommy and Toby held their ground.

It was match point, and Ukraine was serving. Dream and George were watching with anticipation, eyes following the ball as it made contact with the Ukrainian's hand, flew through the air, and then... hit the net and fell to the sand!

"They won! Dream, they won!" George exclaimed excitedly, turning his head up to look backwards at Dream. The little smile on his face was genuine, and Dream grinned.

"They did!" On screen, Tommy and Toby were high fiving, large grins on both their faces. The Ukrainian team didn't look particularly happy, but congratulated them nevertheless.

"That was a good game," Dream commented, a soft him of agreement emitting from George.

"I'm kind of tired..." The brunette murmured, yawning. Dream turned the tv off, continuing to run his fingers through George's hair comfortingly.

"It's alright, if you need sleep, then sleep," Dream encouraged. "I'll be right here. Rest up, George."

I think part of the reason I'm always so tired is because I haven't really left my house in 2 years and now I'm going to school and interacting with people (sometimes) all day

In conclusion: people are exhausting and also I'm sleep deprived

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