Chap 12

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It was so early in the morning that the sun was not even visible. Ark and I are out on her carrier's island once more, enjoying what little time we had left to enjoy peace before the upcoming battle. To Ark, I had been explaining more about the world, more about my people and nation. "Wow" She says, "you really have a lot of rich history." "Yeah... I mean, I may have sugar coated a few things, glossed over a few others, and perhaps hyperbolized this and embellished that, but that is besides the point. Not sure what it is about you but in mine all nations have a distinct and diverse history, even within each of their ages of one, there's always the bad in good and... the good in bad."

It was civil dawn, we set off. The fleet that headed out was almost all of our assets, with just enough left back to hold down the base. Despite how early we went, by the time we arrived at AO, it was well within the night, with a full moon illuminating the stage of what will be the battlefield, or so we thought. Out of nowhere, a large storm brewed over us, large waves formed, it made quite the ruckus that some of the carrier's planes slid across the flight deck, a couple or so even falling off. "Oi Aguila, think you can fly out like this?" Ark called out as we had seek refuge in the carrier's island from the rain. "Like hell I would fly in this weather? What mad imbecile would!?" I responded.

At first there was the occasional lighting, but every passing minute they increased in severity. The lighting soon changed in the colour of their tint, becoming bluer and bluer, until finally it was exactly like that of the Imperials teleporter, ironically, that's just what seemed to happen. An orchestra of blue lightning surrounded us far too perfectly and we were blinded by the bluish white light that filled our pupils, the one that I was 'familiar' with.

Looking outside the port whole, I saw that I, along with the rest of the feet, was in yet another world. Both the sky and the water was a deep purple, like one at the edge of a night, and in that sky was what could be identified as a sun, only that it was red and glared intensely, yet it illuminated little. Some distance away from us, there were some structures, one of pillars with the same texture as that of the Siren's ship, there were others that resemble more like landmass, again with the same colours and patterns. Dead ahead of us is a volcano, completely overflowing with lava, spewing it out on all sides.

Suddenly, more blue lightning appeared in front of us, some ways away, they formed several portals, and from that bluish white light of circles appeared siren ships themselves. "It's an ambush!" I yell out through the comms. As the Harrier's engine began to whine, I noticed a figure near the base of the volcano. Squinting, it was Akagi, what is she doing here?

Once getting in the air, Siren jets also got up. "Here they come!" A hail of fire came towards us. Some streaks of smoke flew out from allied aircraft, we have been able to produce enough missiles to have a handful of carrier's aircraft to use them, while we're still a little limited on it, we can only hope it will give us the advantage we need. Picking our targets, I followed one siren jet that dived down. This enemy was a lively one, it pulled twists and turns, making it impossible to get a gun kill, I myself had a hard enough time to keep it within view. The enemy bled enough speed for a secure missile. "Fox 2!" I stated. And off went an IR missile catching up to the enemy jet, "Splash". Picking another target, one was attempting to go for our ships as well as others. Some Supermarine Attackers formed up with me and went in for the intercept. A couple of the Attackers launched their missiles, I fancied for a gun kill. Quickly getting on the tail of one, a burst of bullets were sent, missed. The enemy pulled up, but it made it more vulnerable, pitching the Harrier's nose up, I was able to get a lead on the jet and shot off another burst, splash. The Harrier's alarm went off, a missile was on me. Still pointing up, I popped counter measures and pulled back on the flight stick again. Just under me, a streak of white smoke flew past. (I'm getting tired of saying 'siren/enemy jet' so let's call it S-1) In the mirror, it showed another S-1 trailing me. We both then engaged in a corkscrew rotation as we soared higher to the sky. Due to my heavy armament and began to slow down. While the S-1 did overshoot, it was eager to catch me in a stall, but as it turned back, it instead found me in a static position, and before it could get a shot, it flew past. Vectoring the nozzles back horizontally, I 'fell' with the S-1 and got another splash.

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