Chap 2

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Waking back up and taking a sharp breath, I looked around my surroundings. "Ok, ok, so what happened. I-I uh, they did something to me, uh teleported yes! Where?" Outside the Harrier was a bright blue sky above with the brightly shining sun and the wisps of clouds, below me was the deep blue body of water, of what can be presumed as an ocean or sea, but which one? Once I calmed down, I began panicking again as I realized I was still flying. Getting back on the controls and flickering around the avionics for anything of the unusual, all was fine. Looking around the bubble canopy of the jet, my armament was still there, the muffled whistle of the engine sounded the same, as if nothing had happened.

On the coms, once more did someone want to make radio contact. Putting it through, behind the static, I heard the most unexpected thing. "Somebody help us! We are under heavy attack by the Sirens!" A little girl!? Out here, under attack!? A ping showed up on my radar and I headed straight for it. After a minute I arrived. Sure enough, something was happening. Below were small warships, something along the lines of destroyers, old ones, and then there were also these weird ships, all dark and demonic-like with cracks of crimson orange. One of those weird ships had two hulls, as well as both of them having flight decks, connected by what looks like an island of an aircraft carrier. Other ships that had the size of modern destroyers and cruisers, they more or less looked modern based on structure style.

"Can anyone hear us!?" Once again she called out, unsure of who she really is, though I was able to trace it back to one of the older looking destroyers. They were being hammered by the weird ones, which must be the 'Sirens' they so call them. I hesitated as I tried to guess who is the one who truly deserves help. Upon further investigation, I found out that the old destroyers were of the J-Class, a British destroyer (DD) class of the second world war, weren't they not all scrapped? What in the world is happening? That struck me, what if I'm not in my world?

"Please, anyone... ". Taking it no longer, I went in with the intention to help the old Destroyers. Diving, I dropped two bombs on one dark DDs, which I hope are the true enemy, and then three SPEAR-3 on one of the cruisers, both sunk. Turning around for another pass, some of the J-class Destroyers fire torpedoes and sink some for themselves as well. I failed to notice that apparently there was a large battleship. Knowing very well that my armament isn't big enough, I thought of another way. I assumed that there was a magazine under each turret, so with that I made a pass over the BB at full speed to evade its anti-air (AA). My assumption was right, as it only took one my Air-to-Ground missiles (AGM) to set off the chain reaction of explosions making its bow nonexistent, just like the USS Arizona.

Suddenly, two black figures flash by me, taking evasive action, I saw what they were. They were other jets, the airframe of it looked alien, a weird mix of the Sukhoi-47 Berkut and the SR-71 Blackbird. One of those jets attempted to fire a volley of shots at me, having no choice but to engage back, using the vectored thrusting for the added maneuverability and found myself right behind the enemy jet caught off guard. Pulling the Trigger, two streams of green traces went out, tearing the jet apart. "Missile, missile, missile", popping flares and making a sharp turn, one of the other jets had seems to be equipped with air-to-air missiles, as do I. Continuing the turn, I was locking on to the enemy as it did sporadic movement to evade my guns, but to its surprise, it was a sidewinder I shot. As the jet became a ball of fire, it dawned on me, these jets seem to be unaware of the jets abilities. I turned towards the the bizarre enemy CV, it was preparing to launch more jets, launching two more of the Maverick AGMs to the flight deck and one Paveway bomb to the island, I caused moderate amount of damaged, but it did not sink, that was until, what are hope are, allied destroyers finished off the CV.

I neared the destroyer that made the distress call. Entering hover mode, I saw the girl, she had short purple hair, vibrant teal eyes. Someone like her shouldn't be here! As I looked in bewilderment, she looked in awe and in wonder. "Thank you for helping me and my sisters... whoever you are" She said via the coms, she had what I believed to be a RP accent. "Uh... y-your welcome. Eh um, do you have a place for me to land?" "Oh yes we do! We have someone called Ark Royal not far from here." Ah, I know the HMS Ark Royal well, but not as a person. Once again I saw something unusual, all of the destroyers disappeared in a literal flash, and there were people who stood on water, the destroyers were also little girls which concerns me a lot. They all began to...slide? Across the water, my guess is that these must be human, personified, etc ships, but why children!?

After having followed the 'girls' for a while, there was the carrier they mentioned, HMS Ark Royal 91. Approaching it, someone spoke, what I can assume is Ark. "Javelin, who's that above your ship?" HMS Javelin eh? so that the destroyer's name. The carrier herself, thankfully, sounded around my age. "Oh, he helped us from a Siren ambush." "He?", I followed up, "Uh, yeah that's me, uh, do you mind if I land on your ship?" "Who are you, identify!? Are you with the Crimson Axis, worse, the Sirens!? What are you doing with those destroyers!?" "No, no, no I mean no hostilities!" While circling around the carrier, an indication from my avionics notified me of my fuel consumption. "Oi, I'm low on fuel, can you please lend a hand here?" Ark Royal hesitated, saying nothing. "Look, I'm lost, I don't know where I am or what happening". "Then why did you help our destroyers?" "I don't know, I just hope I made the right choice." More silence sat between us. Fuel was starting to get dangerously low, but I can't rush things as this might be my only chance. "... Fine, you may land." she finally said. I let out a large breath of relief. Hovering down to the carrier's flight deck, it reminded me of my time training to land in a carrier in any case of an emergency. I honestly feel sorry for anyone in the Fleet Air Arms.

After having landed, I opened the cockpit, letting in the salty breeze. Jumping out, I was immediately met with hostilities. The personified carrier in question, was as tall as I am, she had an ebony black, no-nonsense haircut, as the side that falls down covers her right eye, even going as far as past her chin, but even then I could still see both strikingly vibrant blue eyes, she also had a sort of thin yellow rope with a knot at the end, just less than foot long, that hanged to her left side. The weapon she pointed at me was a steampunk sniper rifle, which seemed to have on top of it a flight deck along the barrel, she also had a saber and a steampunk pistol holstered. "On the ground, now!" "What did I do?!" "It's what you could do!" "Cabrón..." Not having much else of a choice, I obliged. Immediately she had the muzzle of her rifle right at my neck and one of her feet on top of my back, the heel near stabbing into my spine. "Hey hey, let it off dammit!" "As far as I know, you are our prisoner." I let nothing more than a huff. "What the hell is that thing that you fly in?" "That is an aircraft..." "I know that! But what kind, how does it work!?" "Ah, this is a jet." "A what?" "You don't know what a jet is? Don't you have someone that goes by the name of Frank Whittle?" "None." Clearly this is not the world I'm familiar with, but what use would the Imperials have for this? Sometime after sailing and still being very, very, uncomfortably pinned down against my will, an island came into view. The island was roughly the size of the island Guernsey (65km²). A short opening lead to a bay about 4km (2.5mi) in diameter, with battleships, battlecruisers, armored cruisers, light cruisers, destroyers, some submarines and such ships sailed in the bay, almost all of which I could identify, being a well informed person of the second world war. Right in the middle of the body of water, was a small island connected with three bridges to the outskirts of the bay. Based on what I've seen getting closer, that small island might be the HQ of this base, meanwhile around the perimeter of the bay is more of a hub, as well as containing docks, depots, and such. Entering and docking, I could see more personified ships, all females. Mierda...

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