Winter Funder-ED

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Based on Winter Funderland (101 DS episode)

Eds and Dalmatian Family were watching the news on the TV. It was mostly informing of the snowstorm.

"As London is bracing for the snowstorm Suzi," The news reporter said. "Let's just keep calm and..."

He then brought under him skis, ski poles and goggles on his nose as he yelled in joy and get to the ski on the mountain:

"Carry on with the Snow Party!"

Eddy was weirded out at the News Reporters antic as he commented:

"And here I thought we are the weird ones..."

"This is just not any storm!" Dylan said looking at his family and Eds who were watching the news. "It's a polar vortex! Winds within 50 miles per hour! Visibility 2.05 percent-"

"Wind chill factor of minus 27!" Dawkins said getting on Dylan's head "Per flesh freezing in three seconds!"

"Well, this sounds bad..." Double D said a little worried.

Dalmatian parents looked at each other and had some response to it. Delilah groaned while Doug said 'oh yikes' cringing on it. However, Dolly was the opposite of this snowstorm and instead thought about something else as she said:

"Awesome! Oh, there will be... Ice skating, Ice hockey... Ice trampolining!"

"Gasps That's a thing?!" Doug said shocked. Dolly looked at her Dad and said:

"Dunno, but everything sounds better with ice in front of it!"

"Yeah, it's better than just without ice and at least we could have some fun!" Eddy said agreeing with Dolly. Pups cheered and looked relaxed, but also want to have fun with ice.

"Oh, goodie goodie!" Ed said jumping happily. "I can't wait to play on the ice."

"Hmm... I think I prefer tropical." Delilah commented. Dylan of course not caring about the fun he had to mention some other stuff:

"We need Emergency supplies! 30 bags of kibble, 75 gallons of water, and 2 backup generators!"

"Heh, lucky in century storms aren't becoming more frequent," Doug commented.

"Uh Doug," Dawkins said to Doug. "You might want to check your facts there."

It was now the middle of the night there. Everyone was sleeping on their beds although there were dalmatians that are still NOT sleeping. Of course, Dolly was talking to Dizzy and Dee Dee before the sleep.

"Will it be fluffy?" Dee Dee asked.

"Frosty?" Dizzy asked next before she and her sister asked in excitement together:


"Yep," Dolly said. "When you wake up there will be icicles dangling from the window ceils, frost on the glass, snowflakes melting on your tongue! It'll be Winter Funderland!"

Dizzy and Dee Dee let out both long 'oooh' very excited to see a Winter Funderland Dolly was talking about. Dolly then went to the window and shut it with a blind letting them as a surprise. Though Eddy did kinda checked on them without others knowing. He felt kinda odd when he was hearing them. Although he acted harshly it wasn't similar to how his brother treated him, at least that's how he remembers. He then shook his head throwing that feeling away and went to the room where his friends were.

Eddy went inside the room where Double D and Ed were in. Ed couldn't help, but jumping excited on his sleeping back.

"Oh man oh man!" Ed said smiling goofily and excited. "I can't wait for snow coming up tomorrow."

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