Knox Overstreet (she/her pronouns)

Start from the beginning

"I second that." Charlie said as the meeting began.

And every Friday of every month was a Dead Poets Society meeting. Sneaking out was a breeze and finding the cave was easy.

Knox was staring at you as you read a poem, "I shut my eyes and all the world drops dead; I lift my lids and all is born again. (I think I made you up inside my head.)" You read "Mad Girls Love Song" by Sylvia Plath.

"I should have loved a thunderbird instead; At least when spring comes they roar back again. I shut my eyes and all the world drops dead. (I think I made you up inside my head.)" You finished as you sat back down. Everyone looked impressed.

"That was Sylvia Plath." You announced.

"Who is that?" Knox asked interested as you blushed.

"She's a poet, she makes confessional poetry, its her talking about her issues and how she feels deep down inside. I admire her greatly." You smiled.

Everyone nodded, the next person went up, Sunny read "Annabelle Lee" by Edgar Allen Poe.

"For the moon never beams, without bringing me dreams. Of the beautiful Annabel Lee; and the stars never rise, but I feel the bright eyes. Of the beautiful Annabel Lee; and so, all the night-tide, I lie down by the side. Of my darling-my darling-my life and my bride, in her sepulchre there by the sea- In her tomb by the sounding sea."

She smiled and sat back down as the next person went. Soon the meeting was over as you and Sunny began to head back to the dorm.

"You saw the way Knox looked at you." She smiled winking at you as your face heated up.

"Shut up, he just was interested in Sylvia Plath. She's great." You smiled.

"Yeah uh-huh. I believe he likes you. Even if its just a wittle ittle crush." She winked entering the room. You laid on your bed as she laid on hers.

"Good Night Sunny." You mumbled before falling asleep.

The next Friday at midnight another meeting was held.

This time you hadn't brought a poem.

"You should've brought a poem." She whispered to you as you rolled your eyes.

"I am not reading tonight." You whispered back, you and Sunny sat together, she was next to Meeks.

Neil joked as Todd read a poem, Charlie smoked his pipe as Cameron coughed. This meeting was fun, sometimes at the end of the month their meetings would be for fun. No reading, just hanging out.

"I want to read a poem." Knox announced nervously. "I didn't have the guts to do it last meeting. But I have the guts to do it now." He announced as Charlie smirked.

"Go Knox!" Charlie whooed and clapped as he nervously stood in front of everyone.

"I loved thee, though I told thee not, right earlily and long, thou wert my joy in every spot, my theme in every song" He read, "And when I saw a stranger face where beauty held the claim, I gave it like a secret grace the being of thy name. And all the charms of face or voice. Which I in others see are but the recollected choice of what I felt for thee." Everyone looked at him.

"In love?" Charlie said as Knox sighed and nodded. "With who?" He whispered as everyone resumed to chatting about school and Neils upcoming performance.

You weren't paying attention to Charlie or to Knox, you were concentrating on Sunny.

"(Y/n)." Knox sighed as Charlie grinned and pat his back.

"I had a feeling, the way you two look at each other major crushing energy." Charlie winked as Knox rolled his eyes.

"She doesn't like me. She's always around Meeks and Neil." He sighed as Charlie rolled his eyes.

"Sunny is crushing on Meeks, Neil and Todd or on the down low, if you catch my drift." Charlie whispered looking at Neil and Todd who were being very friendly.

"They're gay?" Knox whispered and Charlie nodded. "I didn't know that..."

"Yeah well what can I say. It really does take one to know one doesn't it." Charlie joked as Knox raised his brow.

"You're gay?" Knox asked as Charlie rolled his eyes.

"I prefer the label bisexual." He said as Knox nodded. "Not the point, you should definitely tell her you have a crush on her. Maybe read a romantic poem to her." Charlie winked.

"Since when are you giving out love advice?" Knox joked as Charlie chuckled.

"Since today. Follow it and maybe she'll show you her boobs." Charlie joked again as Knox shoved him causing him to fall.

"Shut up Charlie." Knox scoffed as Charlie just laughed.

Monday came as you and Sunny were walking to your English class, Mr Keating had assigned to make an original poem to read to the class.

"My poem is stupid, I came up with it last night." You grumbled.

"Could be worse, I made mine up during Chemistry class." Sunny sighed holding out her piece of paper.

You sat down on your chair as Sunny sat on hers.

Class began as Knox stood up ready to read his original poem.

"I see her when I walk, I see her when I talk.
Her smile reminds me of the sun, it lights up a dark room.
At my darkest times I think about her and everything goes bright.
I want to tell her this, but I'm scared.
I'm scared she might go away.
She's the reason I breath, the reason I fight."

Knox finished as everyone clapped and Mr. Keating smiled.

"Whoever this girl is she's very lucky." He said as Knox smiled and sat back down.

"Who do you think he wrote the poem about?" Sunny whispered as Meeks went up and read his poem.

"I don't know." You sighed sadly. Meeks walked back to his desk after receiving claps.

"Ms. (L/n)." Mr. Keating said as you walked up, your poem in hand.

"You're the last thing I think about.
And the first thing I think about.
I want to rid you of my memory.
But I can't."

You read as Mr. Keating clapped.

"Sorry Captain, it kind of sucked." You sighed as he shook his head.

"Not at all, confessional poetry is very vulnerable. Opening yourself up that way." He said as you smiled sitting back down on your seat. Sunny went up next, then Neil.

Class ended as you and Sunny walked out.

"(Y/n)!" Knox called running up to you his face pink.

"Hey Knox, what's up?" You asked as he took in a deep breath.

"I... Um..." He fidgeted with the hem of his shirt. "Carpe diem. Want to go on a date with me?" He asked as your eyes went wide. You turned to Sunny who smiled.

"Oh! Yeah! Yes! Of course I'll go on a date!" You smiled hugging him as he hugged you back and spun you around.

"Great! We can go to this place I really like. I'll get you tomorrow." He smiled holding your hand as you nodded.

He waved goodbye as he walked away happily cheering and telling Charlie who congratulated him.

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