He yelled, and kissed me again, once again not getting any response from me riled him up further

Y/N: Stop. Stop it, Kook...


Y/N:...I-I'm not...anymore-

Before I could complete his lips were on mine once again...

Jungkook: Does he satisfy you more than me? Is this what you want? Fine I can do it...

He growled in my ears as his hands glided over my chest down to my abdomen... going further down...


I yelled at him when his gaze fell....staring at my cleavage while he bit his lips...he was shamelessly gawking at my figure while I was boiling in anger...

Jungkook: *scoff* What are you wearing? Huh? He is changing you... 

He spoke gritting his teeth, anger clear on his visage ...while I quickly fixed my white apron trying not to expose more skin...since he was acting like a teenage boy who had never seen a woman up close...

Y/N: You did this to me...

Jungkook: W-what do you mean...?

Y/N: When... When you were gone... I - I thought... you- you left me because I wasn't pretty enough...

Jungkook: Have you lost your mind!

Y/N: Yes I have!... now fucking let me go!

Jungkook: I won't!... because I fucking can't


After a moment of silence and soul searching, he was still not done... he still had me trapped in the corner of the room, and I could slowly feel his hand in between my legs... touching my inner thighs...I pressed my lips controlling my moans... it felt good, but it was wrong... he knew that too...

Y/N: Jungkook you need to stop.... what is this even about

Jungkook: For that man touching you... I need to make you mine... 

I sighed... is he talking about Yoongi....

Y/N: Are you...are you jealous of Yoongi? Is that what this is about?

Jungkook: DON'T TAKE HIS NAME...I will kill him for laying his hands on you... 

He said leaning on me and biting on my neck softly... While he moaned on my skin...

Jungkook: Fuck... I have never hated anyone so much.... how dare he... how dare he touch something that belongs to me.... and why didn't you stop him... you kicked me in the balls for kissing you... I'm losing my mind... just kiss me back already...

I was just watching all his moves trying not to let any moans out when he pressed his fingers on my core but I was not gonna let him have the satisfaction that he can seduce me.... and have his way...

Jungkook: Do I not excite you anymore?... is it because I slept with someone?... you think I am not yours?... so you don't want to touch me anymore...

I could see his eyes glisten, and his manly confidence was slowly dissolving as I was holding it all in.. . his serious face twitched, and I could see he was trying not to breakdown in front of me... so I cupped his cheeks when I saw tears leaving his eyes....jealousy and loneliness was driving him ...

Y/N: What we had ... is over... so let it respectfully go hmm?

Jungkook: Let it go?... I - I can't...he is planning to take you away from me...

Y/N: What are you talking about...?

Jungkook: Your dad... he was asking him to marry you...

He rested his head on my shoulders letting it all out....he was always a bit emotional...and that's what I loved about him...I didn't mind that he was choosing his job over me...I already knew I wasn't enough for him.... 

Y/N: Because he has a son... and he is divorced... its for the child... not for us...

Jungkook: W-what?

Y/N: The baby needs a mother.. he doesn't want me... he is still in love with his ex wife... and I am still in love wit-- its for the best... 

His hold on me slowly loosened...so I moved away slowly

Jungkook: I –I don't understand...

Y/N: Then try to!... we are over... you screwed it up... when you were gone he was there for me, even his child was there with me... I was trying to cope... I had to find a way to live on... Yoongi and I can only see each other as friends more like siblings really.. but he is trying his best to change that he even tried kissing me yesterday... but its still awkward for him...

Jungkook: *scoff* Y-you cant is serious.... this is your genius plan?... have you thought about the future? about us!

Y/N: *chuckle* You care about us?...

Jungkook: Please just...

Y/N: Look *sigh*... we have done this enough times Jungkook!... I can't do this ok?... and Im sorry we had to go through this... I am sorry for us... but that is it... don't make it any harder than it already is...

Jungkook: You know I don't want any of this either... I swear... If you just... give me some time...

Y/N: 3 months and you decided to get a permanent tattoo on your neck? is that why you needed some time? I was waiting for you... to come home... I...I... even told Yoongi I was hopeful you will be on your knees wanting me back! And the next day you got that tatt-- *sigh* forget it... nevermind... Let's forget each other...

Jungkook: S-so this is it?....we- we- break up?...

Y/N: Yeah...*sigh*... let's break up... we don't need to do this to each other...


Kiss me back |Jungkook FF |18+| Complete |Where stories live. Discover now