26. Higher command

Start from the beginning

Jin was censoring the story, not mentioning Jungkook's doings...But I wanted to tell him everything...

Taehyung: I think Jin must be under real stress now... he completely forgot about the part where Jungkook dragged Y/N... he said he wanted to make our sister feel the pain... h-he t-touched her forcefully...

Namjoon got up from where he was sitting... while Jin and Jungkook took a step backward... they had no idea what to do... or what was going to happen... neither did I, I just wanted my sister to feel better...

He moved closer to Jungkook while Y/N looked scared...

Namjoon took a final look at Jungkook and spoke

Namjoon: How dare you kid... You tried to touch my sister without her permission? Do you know WHO I AMM???

He yelled... the whole house shook... Jungkook was now mewling in front of him... in his soft voice...

Jungkook: No Hyung... I swear I wasn't going to... I just...

Taehyung: Lies, Y/N is not telling us everything... maybe he tortured her for the 4 months he stayed with her... t-they lived in the same house... I've seen her old house... there is only one room...

Y/N: Taehyung! Stop it!... J-Joonie, please, let this go... w-we don't have to do this...

But Namjoon wasn't budging, he was looking Jungkook dead in the eye while Jungkook was just sobbing...

Namjoon: Fuck that... Taehyung, put this excuse of a man on the table... I'll cut this bastard open... I wanna see if his brain is rotten or his heart....

Y/N: N-Namjoon, please..... don't...

I stood still, He was kidding right?... we can't actually cut our brother in law open right?... before I could act, Jungkook was on the floor hit by Namjoon.

Jungkook was not defending himself like he wanted to get beaten up... I could see Y/N immediately run to stop the fight...

Y/N: Think about Jiyoung....she is your family now....and so are they... You are in-laws... Aren't you?

Namjoon relaxed his hold and nodded, Nobody dare spoke... and Y/N was just glaring at me, all of us sighed when we thought it was over but then he spoke again...

Namjoon: Did you sleep with my sister? Did you sleep with her!!

Jungkook couldn't bring the words out of his mouth so she spoke instead....

Y/N: No... we didn't... calm down... we haven't done anything, he has never misbehaved with me...

Has never misbehaved?... is she kidding me right now?... I am sorry but I didn't feel a drop of sympathy for these Jeons... 

Taehyung: Yeah Hyung, she is right... it was only one time when he was trying to tear her clothes off in front of 30 odd men... I'm sure this bastard never had any ill intentions for her...

Y/N: Tae!

She gasped at the choice of my words, while Jimin tugged on my tee... lucky for her I was being decent... I could use scarier words, but its my sister we were talking about... 

Namjoon: That's a decent choice of boyfriend... right Y/N? You left us saying what again? That you didn't want to be a part of our world... and you end up falling in love with this??? IS THAT FAIR TO MEEE OR OUR FATHER???? NOT A DAY WENT BY WHERE WE DIDN'T MISS YOU... I had to live without you for 4 years....?? Oh no....there is no way this is alright... 

He kicked Jungkook in the stomach while he groaned on the floor

Namjoon:...MOVE AWAY Y/N...my soul won't be at peace until I see him bleed Y/N...

But she didn't budge...

Y/N: Please...I'm so ..so.. so...sorry...I didn't know his family was alive.....he said he wasn't going to go back....and I was stupid to think he loved me....it was my fault...I was blinded...

She was making no sense... she just panicked and spoke randomly... in combat, there was a 50-50 chance she could defeat Namjoon...but the respect she had for her elder brother was huge... it refrained her from even trying...

Jungkook: I...I...m sorry.....I...was...

Namjoon: *sigh* Jiyoung will have to choose... Between me and her brother... I can't forgive this man... 

Jungkook: Please... don't do that her... just kill me instead...

Namjoon: That's a good choice... I'll kill you...

Namjoon approached Jungkook choking the life out of him while Jungkook tried to protect himself... but his body was way too built, and Jungkook seemed too tiny in front of him...


Namjoon and my gaze fell on our sister... She never called Namjoon like that... it was clear disrespect, fine she might have been smarter in some things, but she worshiped him, his sacrifices for the family, his achievements, but he didn't mind, he only hummed in response...

Namjoom: Hmm?

Y/N: I said we are letting it go, SO WE ARE LETTING IT GO!! This is a new beginning of your relationship, a new beginning for the 2 families, and I don't want to be the reason to be ruining it, I am not even a part of your family anymore... SO FUCK IT...

There, Joons eyes changed... replaced by hurt... 

Namjoon: Just because you change your surname, you think YOU CAN WASH US FROM YOUR BLOOD...?

She flinched a little, and everybody did... tears were building up in her eyes again but she was holding them back... Namjoon yelling at her, now that was rare, but she deserved a scolding she was acting like a brat...

Namjoon: I'm sorry, but you were hiding your pain from me? if I'm not your family, then WHY DO YOU ALWAYS GIVE A SHIT ABOUT ME Y/N?... WHY! Why huh?

Y/N: I...I...You...you...are all I have in this world  now Joon-ah... 

Namjoon: And who do you think I have? huh? I'll let her go... I don't want her if she or her family brings you pain...

Y/N: No...*sniff* that's some bullshit... let's not do this sacrifice nonsense... one of needs to be happy... A-and I am happy... if y-you are happy...

I had rarely seen her cry... it was one of those days... I went to her and hugged her while I was glaring at Namjoon...this was no time to shout at my sister, shout at that asshole who is responsible for her pain.... since everyone was shouting I thought I should too.

Taehyung: YAAH KIM NAMJOON .....

And suddenly all eyes were on me like I had committed a sin, I immediately corrected myself realizing only she can get away with calling him like that...

Taehyung; Yahh H-Hyung-nim...Don't shout at her....g-go shout at him...


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