24. Everything's alright now

Start bij het begin

Jungkook: What about my sister...

Y/N: She is his priority, and that means she is our families priority... so don't even get that doubt in your head...

I could see their faces becoming sad and I realised my tone was way too aggressive but I couldn't hold back, I needed to give these so called men a verbal beating...

Y/N: Guys... everything's alright now....you should go celebrate....find yourself some strippers.... Mr.Han was telling me about Jungkook's skills, he will teach you Jin... and oh right and I'm sorry from Taehyung's side... he has been a little moody lately since you stabbed him thrice... but I'm sure he'll get over it...

I decided to cut down my sarcastic tone to talk about something serious while the two looked down...

Y/N: The nurse called from my hospital, she said your dad is only unconscious, he'll be fine too...

Jin: T-Thank you so much for everything....

Y/N: You are fucking welcome...

Jungkook: Y/N...I...

Y/N: Fuck you...

I say with a smile and bow, taking leave before he could speak again ....I just didn't want to deal with him anymore...

Jungkook's POV

How long is she going to ignore me...? I go back to my sister and she is all hyped up to meet her husband... he can't make her this happy... I am the one that makes my sister happy... what's wrong with her...

Jungkook: Woaah you need rest....He is right in the next room... Just a lil patience...

And the door opened revealing a very handsome man... He was very well built and really tall, I felt so tiny in front of him... he entered with a worried look on his face he had more wounds, because I was stupid to hurt him when he was unconscious...  but he was standing still and my sister was happier than I had ever seen her....

Namjoon: How is Y/N treating you? Does it hurt anywhere? Are you okay?

Jiyoung: Joonie....relax, I'm alive.... Meet my brothers Jin... and Jungkook

Namjoon despite his injuries greeted Jin with a bow and a warm smile on his face... when his eyes turned to me, His gaze darkened, he didn't bow , he just stared at me like he was planning which part of my body he was going to cut first... I clearly didn't pass his vibe check...

I bowed anyways and said Hi...but he simply nodded still giving me the deadly glare....

Namjoon: This is my sister, Dr.Hwang Y/N, *he said with pride* and my cousin Taehyung

The two bow down 90 degree in full excitement with an enthusiastic hair flip... Jin and I were still trying to come out of what happened but this Kim family were suddenly acting like they were the most fun people on the planet...

Namjoon: Is there something wrong guys?....

Jin: Ah... not at all Mr.Kim.... we are just a little tired it was a long day ...

Namjoon sits himself next to my sister and holds her hands... This guy is getting on my nerves how can he just sit there... that's legit my place... I'm her guardian, I need to be next to her... the next moment I almost lost it... when he gently slid into her sheets taking her in his embrace and she hugs him tighter and we could see Namjoon's waist was bleeding because of how tight Jiyoung was hugging him, but he wasn't even flinching, he simply let her do what she wanted...

Jin and I exchange shocked glances on Namjoon's boldness.... when he spoke in a barrytone

Namjoon: Don't hate on me, I had your parents blessings when we got married... Its been half a year now and I think around 6 years of dating.... Im sorry for your families loss Jeons... we will get back at the Lees...

Did he say 6?... is he fucking with me right now... oh god...

Jungkook: 6 years? What...

I was going to complain but Jin cut me off in the middle, what the fuck does he mean by six year? first of all he looks too old for my sister and 6 years back she was only 16....

Jin: Ah, We are really happy to see you both alive....

Namjoon: Oh really Hyung?

Namjoon says in a mocking tone like he already had the idea that we were planning his murder when he was sleeping... did he figure out that the wound on his waist was not because of the accident?... 

Y/N: Ahh... us kids don't want to see anything 18+ but...uh... as your doctor... I should be telling you to hold it back for a few days.... few of the wounds havent healed yet... and we dont want anymore accidents....

Y/N winks at the two and my sister blushes and burries her face in his huge shoulder... Im just feeling so.....jealous..... And left out right now... 

Namjoon is rather a gentleman in the daylight...but I was still not convinced that he was keeping my sister happy...

Namjoon: Y/N please shift us to a real hospital with a bigger bed, put us in one room....and I'd like to hear the story... the whole story.....

Taehyung: Hyung-nim... please give some attention to our sister in law...we have enough time for storytelling....

Taehyung tries to divert the topic... making me breathe with ease... 


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