I quietly brought her all the evidence and her eyes widened....

Y/N: She is your sister?

Jin nodded in response.... she looked at the photos and looked away immediately... of course she mustve been ashamed of what her brother was doing....

Y/N: God...I'm scarred for life...*sigh* I'll take a look at this....while everyone else can chill out.... make friends.... Go mingle...

Jungkook: What's there to look? you still don't believe it?...

Mr. Han was staring at me right now... asking me to shut up... what is she?... a King?... that everyones bowing to her

Jin: Let her do what she wants... If she is really wrong...

Y/N: Then I'll shoot him myself... we don't tolerate violence against women in our family.... Our family is quiet unlike yours Mr.Jeon... 

There was murmuring in the background when she said that...and everybody hummed and nodded to what she said like she was the judge here... moreover Taehyung who never left a chance to speak was having a hard time trying to get his words out ....

Taehyung: But...

Y/N: Since you've all made the mistake to call me here... I will be in charge hence forth....

She mumbled but her head was buried deep into the files.... while all of us just looked at each other in shock....

Time skip

After an hour or so she looked at she began talking to us...simultaneously, she flipped pages and circled things not looking at us at all.... she asked us who our family friends were, if we had any enemies, how our accounts were... I felt like she was stalling us...but Jin had so much faith in her....

Y/N: Kim Taehyung....I just hate you beyond reason....

Taehyung: *scoff* you talk like I ever wanted to see your sorry face again....

Y/N: And why haven't you escaped yet?

Taehyung: I couldn't leave my hyung alone... its not like he has a sister anymore.... And they kept saying they'll...uh...

Y/N: They'll what?

Taehyung: Bring you here too, so I was a little worried...

Y/N: I am here now then why do you look more relaxed...?

Taehyung: ... What? A guy can't relax? And what's with your rapey boyfriend... I'll break his bones when we reach a verdict....

Y/N: Know when to speak....

She growled angrily ...And Taehyung looked at her with his sad eyes....

Taehyung: I didn't mean to... I just--

Y/N: I'm fine.....

Y/N didn't raise her head towards anyone she was busy reading .... followed by an awkward silence...

Taehyung: How is your... umm... nurse stuff going....

Y/N: *sarcastic chuckle* Nurse?... I'm a surgeon Tae... it's all fun and games till someone dies on my table... and my promotion gets stuck...

Taehyung: hm....are you....um....

Y/N: *sigh*....don't struggle so much ....I said I am fine...

She scribbled multiple things on the papers ...While we just sat there and watched...

Taehyung: I hear...uh....Mr.Jeon here ditched you?

She had no change in expression....she was a whole new person suddenly....she simply continued reading....

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