Chapter 27: The Third Rule

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Genma and I scouted the area, we walked for hours but there was nothing no sign of anyone. We searched the area for almost two days, and we had no luck, Genma and I were looking deeper south almost too close to the Hidden Valley Village.

"We cannot afford to get spotted?" I told him and he agreed, "let's go back north we can go Northeast this time and check on Tenzo and Hikku." We left and did just that, four hours later we were near a river getting fresh water when we heard a loud thunder coming from the middle of the forest. Genma and I immediately took off running and headed that way. We got to the middle of a fight, Tenzo and Hikku were fighting six men simultaneously. Genma and I joined the fight, I drew my swords and went in slashing two men in their legs. Once they let their guard down I went and cut their necks, splashing Hikku completely in blood.

"Damm Yams, why you always got to be so brutal," he complained wiping the blood from his face. I ran next to him and stabbed the man that was about to kill him from behind.

"You are welcome," I said glaring at him. Genma took out the other two men, and we all took covered. I placed my hand on the floor and sensed a more of them coming our way, "around ten or eleven more are coming this way," I told them.

"I think I need some bandages before I can fight some more," Tenzo said moving his hand from his leg and blood starting gushing out. I looked at him and he was so pale, sweating and could barely keep his eyes opened.

"What the hell happened to you?" I said immediately pressed his wound with both hands, so he didn't bleed out, "Hikku what the hell," I said.

"He got hit by a water jutsu, it looked like a blade, then it disappeared once it impaled him, it came out of nowhere," Hikku said looking at Tenzo.

"We have to stop the bleeding," I said looking at the blood still coming out of his wound through my fingers. "Hold him down," I said and ripped his pants a little to make his wound visible. It looked really bad, I looked at Hikku and Genma and they held Tenzo down. I focused my chakra on the tip of my finger and a small flame appeared. I pressed his wound together. "We need to start carrying a fucking suture kit," I said as I melted Tenzo's skin shut, stopping the bleeding. Tenzo's loud groans gave up out location and I sensed the chakra of the enemy moving towards our direction.

"Hikku where is Kakashi?" I asked as I bandaged Tenzo's leg.

"He sent one of his summonings to let us know that he encountered one of the enemies, the leader Daigo, he is currently chasing him towards the land of wind," he said and I sighed.

"Alone, that idiot" I said finishing the bandages. "They are close," I told Genma, "we need to fall back and get Tenzo somewhere safe." They all agreed and Hikku picked up Tenzo who was now unconscious and started running North. Four men caught up with us and I was attacked by a water style jutsu. I got slammed onto a tree and Genma got attacked by the same jutsu Tenzo did, luckily, he moved away in time and it only grazed his side.

Two men started to attack him and a bald one walked towards me. I drew my swords and charged at the man who was very fast, he evaded every one of my attacks. I was getting annoyed, his Taijutsu was much better than mine and he was able to land a few hits on my ribs. Another man just looked at us from a distance. The bald man charged at me, and I waited for the perfect moment to activate my Sharingan, putting him in a nasty genjutsu. He fell on his knees landing right in front of me and I decapitated him using my two swords.

The man hiding looked at me with such excitement and took off running before I could get to him. I heard Genma groan in pain and when I looked, he was pinned down against the tree with icicles on his arm. I saw a few icicles coming my way and I melted them with a fire ball jutsu, I waved the signs and used my water gun jutsu to shoot the man right in between his eyes.

The Black Leaf (Part 1)Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora