Chapter 26: Kakashi

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We headed to land of Rivers nonstop, I talked mainly with Genma and Hikku, I didn't want this to be more awkward than what already was. Tenzo had this stupid smile on his face that I found really annoying. We finally made camp to rest and Tenzo volunteered to help me with the fire, but he just smiled. "Tenzo, cut it off, will you?" I warned him in a serious tone.

"What am I doing?" he asked still laughing.

"Stop laughing like an idiot, what are we, kids?" I said harshly, and he just laughed more, "whatever you start the fire alone," I said walking away.

I sat down and looked at Genma who was awfully quiet, cutting an apple. "Why so serious Genma?" I asked him and he gave me a weak smile.

"Oh, you know, girl problems," he said with a loud sigh, I patted the spot next to me and he walked and sat there.

"Tell me, I'm all ears," I said looking at him. He told me all about Hana and how she got mad at him for because he forgot her birthday. It was hilarious, "seriously you messed up, Genma, you forgot her birthday." He just sighed more, "just take her out and apologize every day for the next three months and buy her flowers too. She will be back to normal before you know it," I told him and he laughed. I looked away and saw Kakashi staring at me. I avoided his eyes and I could tell this was all amusing for him.

I didn't talk much for the rest of the night, I closed my eyes and leaned on a tree throwing my coat over me. It was awful and really quiet, I started meditating but Hikku had to stir the pot. "Okay what the hell is going on?" he complained, "Yams why are you so quiet, why aren't you talking to these two, are you mad?" he asked pointing at Kakashi and Tenzo. I opened one eye and looked at them staring at me.

"Hikku shut up," I said and closed my eyes again.

"Come on Yams, it seems like you hate you these two?" Genma said, "Tenzo, I understand but the Captain?"

"She definitely hates the captain, alright," Tenzo teased, and I threw a piece of wood hitting him right on the gut. They all laughed and I completely ignored them for the rest of the night. The next day, I was up early so I had some food pills and drank some tea that I had made. I was seating on a branch looking at the sunset and I saw Tenzo standing below me looking up, "hey Yams, I'm sorry, about last night," he whispered.

I looked down at him and dropped next to him, "I'm sorry for hitting you," I said smiling and he smiled back at me.

"You know, he really likes you," he whispered looking at Kakashi sleeping, "he is a great man and deserves someone like you." I smiled and looked away before he could see the blush taking over my face. I walked away and sat on a log and to finished my tea. Once everyone was awake, we started going over the plan, we had to scout the area and look for the hideout of the kidnappers. We were not to engaged in any battle unless absolutely necessary.

"The enemy is probably extremely dangerous," Kakashi said, "we don't know how much but it's best that we don't engage."

"It would be nice if we had any other information on them," Genma said, "or their leader at least."

"His chakra affinity is lighting, he can kill a person with only one strike," I said still seating on the log. "And he doesn't look like this anymore," I said showing the picture I took from the bingo book.

"And just how do you know all this?" Hikku asked curious.

"Thirteen years ago, he killed my mother and her unborn child," I told them, "I snapped and release a jutsu on him, burning half of his body, I killed his comrades as well" I could feel all their eyes on me but I didn't bother to look.

"Wait we read about this?" Tenzo told Hikku, "remember Ibiki said his niece took on three of these men when she was five years old."

"The files on the death of the Uchiha woman and the kid with the Kekkei Tota?" Hikku asked, "wait, the kid, was you?"

"He is strong, so we have to be careful," I said as I finished my tea.

"So this is personal for you?" Tenzo asked and Kakashi immediately turned to hear my response. 

"You can say that," I said standing up and walking towards them.

"In that case, we are going to be scouting in teams then, Tenzo and Hikku, Yami and Genma, and Pakkun and I," Kakashi said. "If you see something don't engage, stay put, and we'll see each other here in three days. Remember we are mainly here to gather info on these guys," they all nodded and started scattering.

I walked towards the river to get some water, Genma waited for me back where we set camp. I thought about how I was acting different with Kakashi, but I couldn't help it, it all became super awkward and uncomfortable now. Especially with Tenzo being a witness of our kiss, "stupid Tenzo," I said a little too loud.

"Yeah, stupid Tenzo," Kakashi said from behind me and I felt my heart skip a beat. Stay calm, I told myself.

"I thought you were gone," I said grabbing some water in my jug trying to sound casual.

"I wanted to talk to you first," he said leaning on a rock behind me.

"About?" I got up and walked towards him.

"Us," he said casually looking at me.

"There is nothing to talk about, don't worry" I started walking back to Genma, but he held my hand and pulled close to him. "Kakashi," I muttered.

"Izumi, I really like you," he said looking down straight into my eyes, "and I know you feel the same." I couldn't say a thing back, why would he called me Izumi? he likes me? many questions crossed my mind in that moment. I felt my explosion in my stomach, was it happiness? excitement? I didn't know. All I knew was that it was something that I haven't felt in a long time. I looked at him speechless and somewhat shocked. "Well, I just wanted you to know just in case if I die today or tomorrow," he said letting me go, since I didn't say anything back.

"Idiot don't say that" I punched him in his arm and he just laughed.

"Alright, I got to go," he said looking at me a little hesitant.

"Take care Kakashi, don't do anything stupid please," I told him with a soft smile.

"You too," he said and hugged me one last time, but this time I hugged him back, "I meant it, Izumi, everything I said" he whispered near my ear.

"Can we talk when we get home?" I whispered in his chest.

"Only if you let me take you out on a date?" he asked and I wide grin grew on my face.

"Well, only if you cook for me?" I said and he hugged me tighter.

"It's a date then," he said and pulled slightly away from the hug to look at me. I was probably as red as a tomato, but he just smiled. He cupped my face one hand and quickly pulled his mask down with the other. He gave me a soft quick kiss, "please be careful," he whispered on my lips. I pulled him closer so I could meet his lips again. This time I kissed him, and it wasn't juts a soft kiss, it was a heated passionate kiss. I brought my hands to his face brushing both sides with my fingers. One of my hands traveled around his neck, and the other one went up his face, pushing his headband out of the way exposing his eye. I could feel his arms wrapped around my waist and his hands wondering around my back and lower. I broke the kiss and gasped for air slightly, he did the same. "What have you done to me?" he whispered on my lips with his eyes closed. I leaned my forehead against his and looked at him, trying to memorize every detail of his perfect face.

"We have to go," I said pulling slightly away, "I'll see you in three days." 

He opened both of his eyes and smiled, "please take care of yourself," he said kissing my lips one more time. "Don't do anything reckless," he looked at me in a type of way that made me want to stay there forever.

"You too," I said fixing his head band to cover his eye again. He gave me one last hug and a kiss before disappearing in the woods. 

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