"It turned out to be so complicated!" Sheng Yun deeply lamented that the Dan League was not easy, otherwise he would not have spent so much effort to organize this Dan Club, but he understood the way it was. "I had known that Young Master Ning would have signed up for the yellow-level alchemy competition."

With Ning Yuzhou's strength, isn't it easy to get the first place in the yellow rank alchemist?

Qin Hongdao and Wen Qiao also strongly agreed.

Only Ning Yuzhou didn't feel a pity that he couldn't go in, he was just a little interested in it, and he didn't have to go in.

Just when they decided to leave, the Shang family helped them solve the problem.

Shang Honglang personally sent a token, and said: "The third uncle asked me to bring this. Young Master Ning can enter with this token."

Everyone was pleasantly surprised.

"Where are we?" Sheng Yunshen asked on behalf of others.

Shang Honglang apologized: "The Tibetan alchemy room is only open for alchemists, and some of them are not alchemists, so they can only wait outside."

After listening, everyone didn't force it. Qin Hongdao hooked Wen Qiao's shoulder, smiled to Ning Yuzhou and said, "Young Master Ning, go in by yourself. I will bring Sister Min to drink nearby."

Speaking of drinking, Wen Qiao's eyes lit up, and even Wen Tutu, who was sleeping on Wen Qiao's shoulder, raised his head vigilantly, looking at Ning Yuzhou, one by one.

What can Ning Yuzhou say? Can only say: "Go, don't get drunk."

"Okay, don't worry, husband, as long as we are not drunk."

Ning Yuzhou: "..."

Brother and sister Shang Honglang also said that they would entertain them well. After watching Ning Yuzhou enter the Tibetan alchemy room, a group of people happily rushed to the restaurant in Fang City.

Wen Qiao and Wen Tutu never forget the Nine Spirit Fragrance. In addition to the Nine Spirit Fragrance, there are also several kinds of Spirit Wine that they can't forget. After seeing the end of the pill meeting, they are about to leave the Tiandan Valley, and I don't know when they want to drink the spirit wine here in the future, it is better to have a good time.

This time, both Wen Qiao and Wen Tutu enjoyed it.

Qin Hongdao is a man of righteousness and money, and she doesn't stick to the trivial. She really likes seeing and hearing Qiao and Wentutu. With a big wave, she carried a bag of Yuanjing and took them all the way to drink, making the brother and sister Shang Honglang, who had originally planned to pay for their pockets, look straight. .

Do the Da Ming School disciples have such a rich net worth?

"No, only my elder sister is special. She has many places to go. Although she likes to save money, she can't hold her back to get money fast, and she doesn't like to buy any minors. Even clothes are the most common vestments, and they are resistant to dirt. Just wear it, I don't like to knock the pill, it can save a lot of money."

Sheng Yunshen said at the end, sighed, "I have never seen a woman who saves more money than her."

Brother and sister Shang Honglang remained silent on this.

After a round of high-end wines in the big restaurant, they went to the wine shops in some small alleys.

The spirit wine in the big restaurant has its beauty, and the spirit wine in the small wine shop also has its special features. Both have different appeals to Wen Qiao. And no matter how much spirit wine she drank, her face was not flushed and she didn't breathe, as if she was drinking water as relaxing, without the slightest drunkenness.

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