Making it official

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It's been a week and a half since Tye and I went on our date. Him and I would sneak glances at each other from across the room. Also cuddling in his chair in between takes. It was so often that I sat in his chair or cuddled in his chair that mine was used for my bag or if Emma was visiting the set she would sit in it. I was resting in Tye's chair like always when Tye, in full Scott summers costume, came up to me with Emma on his shoulders. Emma has now started calling him daddy since Tye and I started seeing each other.

"Hey mommy!"

"Hi little munchkin, hey handsome."

"Hey beautiful whatcha doing in my chair again?"

"Just relaxing before our next scene."

"Which are we filming again?"

"Where we see wolverine and Scott almost blasts him with his eyes."

"Oh yea, forgot."

Tye then set Emma on my lap and Leaned in to my ear to whisper.

"Do you want Emma her for that? Cause I know Hugh would be all beat up and shirtless with under wear on."

I sat there twisting Emma's hair in thought.

"That's probably a good idea. Not letting her watch that scene."

"Ok want me to get your dad?"

"Nah I can get him. Hey Em want to go hang out with granddad?"

My little girl cheered out in excitement at the mention of my father.

"Ok let's go see granddad."

I walked off in search of him.

Tye's POV

I see Y/N walk off with Emma. I then turn around to see Even behind me.

"Hey Even what's up?"

"What do you think Emma?"

"She's great, why you ask?"

"Just wondering, anyways thanks for helping Emma and Y/N they really need it."


"Because Y/N has been through a lot since the whole Brody thing happened our senior."

"Brody? Emma's real father?"

"Yea, he was a real dusche bag. But Y/N loved him for a few months. Then after Y/N found out she was pregnant he dropped her."


"Yea, there are more things that happened that Y/N will tell you when she's ready. So I suggest being patient with her."

"I just want her to be as comfortable as possible I would never push her into anything she doesn't feel comfortable with."

"You really mean that?"

I turned around to see Y/N with tears down her face and a smile. I walked up to her, wrapped my arm around her waist, the other arm to held her head to my chest, and rested my head on her head.

"Every word of it. I will also protect and provide for you and Emma."

"Awe thank you bub, I love you so much."

I stood silent for a moment pondering what Y/N just said.

"I love you too sweetie."

I pulled away from the hug and held Y/N in my arms.

"So Y/N I have a question."

"What is it bub?"

"Will you be my girlfriend?"

"Of course Tye, of course I'll be your girl."

Just like that we made it official. We then also started filming to.

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