The date

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Tye's POV during lunch break

After asking Y/N out I was all jittery the rest of the day. I couldn't wait till the date. I wanted to ask her out when I first met her right then and there but I knew it was to early. She is just so pretty, smart, funny, an amazing actress, and plus such a great friend towards Oscar and Even. Speaking of which in the past week and a half I started wondering about how Y/N knew Oscar and Even. I knew that Oscar and Y/N stared in one movie together. Then Even and Y/N went to high school together. The thing is how did all three of them get so close?

"Hey Tye"

I was snapped out of my pondering by a sweet sounding voice that could only belong to the one and only...

"Who is that mommy?"

I heard a little girl say so I turned around and see
Y/N with a little girl on her hip. She looked a little embarrassed.

"Who is this little one?"

"Well Tye this is Emma, my daughter, Emma this is Tye the man I going out with tonight."

"Hi Emma it's nice to meet you"

"You to mithster."

Just then Oscar walked up to Y/N.

"Hey dad can you take Emma? I want to talk to tye alone."

"Sure thing sweetheart."

Oscar then walked off with Emma and Y/N turned to me.

"So about the date, what should I wear? Is it fancy or casual?"

"It is casual."

"Ok cool."

"And I'll pick you up."

"Oh gentalman"

She then kissed me on my cheek and walked away. I touched the place where the kiss was placed and blushed. I also was confused because she referred to Oscar as dad. Know thinking about it she referred to him as dad for the past month when ever they crossed paths.

~~~~~~Time skip brought to you by appocolypes~~~~

I picked Y/N to go to a casual restaurant where barely anyone noticed we where there. We talked about our past movies, families and friends. Apparently Oscar was her dad, I didn't know if it was some sort of closeness thing or not. Then I brought up Emma.

"So about Emma."

"I know I should of told you sooner but I was just scared that you would....."

"I would what?"

She looked down almost tearing up.

"That you would berate me for having her at 17."

I looked at her shocked that's when I noticed that she was starting to cry. I then gave her a soft smile and grabbed her hand.

"Hey,  hey Y/N calm down. I wasn't going to berate you for being a teen mom."

She just stared at me with tears pricking her beautiful Y/E/C eyes.

"Your not?"

"No I was actually going to say you are so strong for keeping her and raising her at 17. If I may ask, who is the father?"

"My exe boyfriend Brody."


"Yea, we dated in senior year of high school, did it one time, things didn't work out, but he still wanted to help raise Emma so him and I are co-parenting."

"So Brody is the father, what made you guys go separate ways?"

"We honestly started to see eye to eye on the majority of things. But the thing is he isn't a good father figure to Emma. He isn't there, he drinks and smokes. Really the only father figure for Em is Even."

"Oh ok."

I quickly changed the subject to something else because I saw that Y/N was a little bit uncomfortable. We finished eating, paid for the bill and walked to my car. I drove her home, which wasn't that far. I walked her to the door to say goodbye.

"I had fun tonight."

"Me too."

"Would you like to go out with me again some time?"

"Of course Tye."


I then lend into kiss her. The kiss was sweet and slow. I then pulled away to smile at her. She smiled back.

"I should probably get back to Emma and my dad."

"Ok, tell them both I said hi and good night."

"Will do."

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