Chapter 11

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Lydia: 20 weeks Amber:16 weeks

Luke's POV

"We had to go to the same hospital as Lydia." I said leaning over to my mother. She looked up from the papers giving me a stare that would probably kill me.

"Are you really complaining right now?" I quickly sat back.

"No ma'am." I looked across me. In the chair far from me was Amber. She's so uncomfortable. I can tell. I stood up walking across the way to her and sitting down. "Are you excited?"

"For what?" She seemed angry in a way.

"You get to meet the baby." Amber rolled her eyes looking away from me and out the window  i was previously sitting in front of. "Do you think it's a boy or girl?"

"I think it's a boy. Would make sense." She shrugged looking at me in the corner of her eyes before giving a look like she was seriously thinking about something. "I don't think I would be a very good mom to a girl."

"You never know. We're both going to have a hard time. We have a month after your due where we're still in school."

"And you have two babies." She retreated into herself again. We sat there for a while just staring into space and not even acknowledging each others presence. I looked down on my phone. I still haven't changed the lock screen away from Lydia wearing my jersey during baseball season. It was our last game and she had her face painted with my number. The smile on her face said everything about why i love her. When she comes to my games it is all about supporting me. Even if she doesn't enjoy it all the time, she comes no matter what.

"Amber Lacey." Amber looked nervous suddenly. This is her first time seeing the baby. But still, she stood up and started walking in the direction of where the nurse is going. An arm snaked into mine making me look to my mother as we followed.

"If it makes you feel better. Her doctor is a man." She reached up stroking my cheeks as we walked into the room. Amber hopped onto the table adjusting herself.

"So i see here that we are doing a amnio and paternity test today?" The nurse looked down at the chart and my mom nodded along to it.

"An amnio? What's that?" Amber asked in a panicked tone. She looked at me scared and, if we're being honest, it set me off a little too.

"Don't worry. It's a very normal test they do on babies. I had one with you." My mom reassured us.

"It won't hurt them right?"

"Both Amber and your baby will be just fine." The nurse stood up and applied her gloves smiling. "Now. Whose ready to see their baby?" I crossed my arms standing next to Amber who was now laying back and lifting her shirt. Her bump completely visible now. Wow. How could two bumps look the same and completely different at the same time? How could i have such different responses to these situations when these are both my children? That's when i heard it. The steady heartbeat of my baby. I looked up at the screen completely in shock. I heard Kian's heartbeat and it took my breath away entirely. This baby was doing the exact same thing. At this moment, it didn't matter who the mother was. I love this baby. I couldn't help but smile. "There's your daughter." All our faces dropped looking at her. She noticed too. "Did you not want to know?"

"We're having a girl?" I asked backing into the chair next to Amber. I could hear my own heart in my ears now. I have a son and now i have a daughter. I looked up at my mom and i could tell she was in the middle of wanting to scream from joy and from terror. We wanted a girl but not like this. No this situation.

"Im so sorry."

"Don't be." Amber said looking from me to my mother. "It's just the first girl in the Hemmings family. They are all boys." The nurse seemed to have caught the drift of the situation because she pulled the wand away from Amber's stomach as fast as possible.

Double Daddy (Luke Hemmings)Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora