Chapter 10

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Lydia's POV

Luke smiled down at the shiny pictures in his hands. Our baby was splayed out perfect. They didn't look like an alien anymore. More like a very small human. "He's perfect." Luke let out with a small laugh. Like every other father, Luke wanted this to be a boy. I could tell but he would have never said it to me. He gets his boy to teach sports and how to play a guitar. All things he could still do if we had a girl but a boy is special to him. The boys will be excited. i can see them now. All celebrating the fact they get a nephew. Anna and Liz wishing we were having a girl. 

"Your mother might be disappointed. Three sons and now a grandson." My mother laughed to herself. In her case, she is over the moon. She, unlike Liz, has two daughters.

"She probably expects it. How could i not have a son?" I rested my head on his shoulder waiting for my doctor to come in and give us the brief about everything the ultrasound tech wasn't allowed to tell us. My mind wandered away. If it was such a given that my baby is a boy then what is Amber's? Is my son suddenly not as special because he has a brother coming? I hope hers is a girl. Then Luke has a reason to love them for different reasons. Daddy's little girl and his little man. The door opened and my doctor walked in with my chart in her hand. 

"A little boy." She sang sitting down on the other side of the table. "Is this what we were hoping for?"

"I would have been happy either way." I said turning to look at Luke again. Still looking at our baby. "He is happy. As you could tell." Luke suddenly looked up from the picture looking from me to the doctor. 

"I would have been happy if he was a girl." Another little laugh came from my mother as she looked down at her phone. 

"Well lets get into the hard stuff. He is measuring a week early. He is either a big boy or we would now be expecting him in late February instead of March. I'm going to say we shoot for February 28 or March 1 rather then your March 5th due date. With your age, babies do come early so i would really like you to take it easy wit stress around that time. " I just nodded along and Luke started to look stressed. I could only imagine what is going through his mind. My doctor has been so understanding about the amount of stress i had with being a teenager and pregnant but she doesn't even know the biggest part. The stress going through Luke's mind. "I mean both of you. Otherwise he seems perfectly healthy. Nothing indicating otherwise. You my dear are having a very smooth pregnancy."

"Thank you for your time." My mother stood up shaking my doctors hand before heading for the door. Luke and i did the same thing but he was more rushed. Like he needed to get out of there as fast as possible. 

Luke's POV

"A boy?" My mother had her hand on her chest as if it had taken all the breath out of her. My brothers were already celebrating behind her as the tears started to form.

"Are you upset?" Lydia asked stepping a bit closer to her. My mother shook her head. 

"You will absolutely love it. I promise." She wrapped her arms tightly around Lydia squealing with excitement while the tears streamed down her face. "Another boy for me to love." She let go of Lydia allowing Jack to grab ahold of her. Slowly she came over to me putting her hand on my cheek. "we are asking Amber for a paternity test. For the sake of that little boy." 

"I'm scared to be honest. Another boy like me. What if that baby is mine?"

"We will figure it out." My mom leaned in kissing my cheek. "Trust me."


"How did you get away with it?" Michael asked leaning against the lockers next to me. The smug look on his face seemed like he was somewhat proud. The boys and i all looked at each other before looking at Michael.

"Get away with what exactly?" 

"Your parents aren't even mad. They are just cleaning up your mess with both girls without even asking questions." I slammed my locker slightly upset by his comment.

"Lydia getting pregnant is not a mess. Amber though." I thought about it for a second before talking again. " Okay. They are both kind of a messy situation but my statement stands about them as people."

"Luke." We all looked to see who it was yelling my name. At the end of the hall, Amber stood looking particularly angry. She raised her finger motioning for me to come over.

"Good luck bud." Calum patted my shoulder as i started walking towards her. 

"Whats wrong?" I asked her once i got close enough.

"You mean whats not wrong? Your other baby gets a cushy life starting off good in the school nursery. You don't answer my phone calls. My dad is an asshole. To top it off, i get a call from a lawyer this morning saying your name won't be put on the birth certificate if i don't submit to a paternity test." Amber counted the her fingers as she went making me look down at her hand.

"Lydia's parents are paying for Kian's spot in the nursery."

"Kian?" She seemed genuinely shocked at the fact we have actually already named our baby.

"Yeah. We named him once we found out the gender."

"Well congrats. A bouncing baby boy." Her jaw clenched.

"We might have a boy too. At this point, i wouldn't be surprised." I realized pretty quick that it wasn't helping at all so i continued. "I'm sorry about the lawyer. My parents are just covering their bases."

"Is Lydia doing a paternity test?" I couldn't help but laugh but quickly stopped when i realized how wrong it was. "Come on. It's two different situations. Lydia was my girlfriend. You were...well thats not important really. They will pay for you to be covered under our insurance for your pregnancy at least and we can go see the baby next week. They'll test then."

"What happens when they find out it is yours?"

"Same thing as what they are doing for Lydia's baby. Joint custody. Half at my place half at yours. Probably different times for each kid."

"They planned that?"

"No i have actually been thinking about it." Amber crossed her arms and i realized something that's changed. "You've really popped." Amber rolled her eyes.

"Let me know when my appointment is and answer my calls." She stormed past me and i followed her with my eyes. At the other end of the hall, Lydia half smiled at me right when Anna dragged her away.

Double Daddy (Luke Hemmings)Opowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz