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I returned to my senses. The hard wood of a classroom desk and the uncomfortable book beneath my elbow greeted me. Miss Fauna smacked my head with a rolled up paper sheet.

"Pretty early for you to sleep, isn't it, Murasaki? It's not even afternoon. Is my classroom that boring?"

"No, " I mumbled around. "Your voice is just too soothing."

I returned back to my sleep, but Miss Fauna wouldn't have any of it.

"Out of my classroom, NOW! If you want to sleep, go outside."

I didn't argue, got up and walked out of the classroom. The entire class started laughing, but Miss Fauna glared at them and they quieted down.

I stood outside the classroom yawning. While inside, Miss Fuana was giving a lecture on 'Evolution'. I didn't mind standing outside as I could pretty much hear everything she said. And soon, it would be lunch break.

Ten minutes later, the bell rang and our lunch break began. Miss Fauna was the first to exit the class room.

"I'm sorry ma'am. I stayed up last night so I fell asleep in your class. Whatever I said, I was half asleep so please forgive."

"Alright, I will let this slide. But don't do this ever again."

When I entered back into the classroom, Haruko approached me.

"What were you upto last night, huh? Sleeping in Miss Fauna's class, and then talking to her like that. Did you lose your mind?"

"No." I replied. "But I was having a strange dream."

"Oh yeah? What was strange about it?"

"Let me tell you about it. It's pretty long but it began like this:

Nature had always watched over Man.

Since the beginning of time.

When Lilith betrayed Man....



My first one-shot. I don't know what came over me but I finished writing it in one sitting. That's why there may be many flaws and stuff.

But really, when a story includes Mother Nature, I guess I could forgive myself for writing this.

Thanks for reading till here.



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