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Against my parents wishes, I chose Agricultural Education as my main course in college. Instead of a lawyer, a government official, an engineer or a doctor, I decided to become a farmer.

"Murrail, you've lost your mind! Do you know how much potential you have?" My father was never the motivator. His lectures made me feel more depressed than ever.

"I'll never starve." I said.

"Yeah, but what about your family? How will you take care of them? By flinging radishes?"

"I won't have a family."

"That's what you think. One day you'll regret it all."

I left the house thinking of never coming back. My mother called me on phone.

"Just do what makes you happy, sweetie."

"Ok moms."

I got a student loan.

Then once I finished college, I bought some land in the country with more loan. It was a cheap property, my safe haven in the world.

I built a cottage and started a small organic farm. It was okay. Profitable. In a few years, my debts would be clear.

The people around were helpful. And I helped them in return by supervising their agricultural work.

"Ever thought about starting a poultry?" One farmer asked me.

"It will be a good business, I guess."
I began a poultry and it took up my entire days. But the cash flow was real helpful in removing debts.

"Ever thought about starting a family?" Another farmer who had a daughter asked me.


I slowly learnt the ways of the farmer. It was to become a watchful cow. Never hurrying. Only focusing on grazing.

One time, my chickens started dying due to a disease.

"This is what you say a bachelor's bad luck." Someone commented.

I had already paid my debts, so I didn't consider reviving the poultry. My job returned to raising vegetables only.

Occasionally, I sent my vegetables to my parents. They would send me letters talking about the family's well being.

My father contracted tuberculosis and was admitted to the hospital. I visited him with a truck load of vegetables.

"Everyone else is busy. I'm glad that you are here." He told me while coughing.

"They're busy with their own jobs and families."

"I would rather you come to me with grandchildren."

"Just drink this beetroot soup."

He healed and was soon released from the hospital. I bought a phone due to his constant nagging. We began talking every other evening.

Mother was the one who left the world early. I had never seen my father so sad before. He moved in with me.

We raised vegetables together. He was surprisingly a good farmer.

One day, I woke up and found him still sleeping. I went into his room and tried to wake him up. Old man had passed away in his sleep. I wonder what he saw in his dream.

We buried him next to mother.

I was about to reach 35, so I started considering marriage. It was a bit too late. But I met some nice women. Too bad, I couldn't decide upon them. It just didn't click for me. Maybe I was destined to die alone.

My elder brother's children came to visit me during summer holidays. The cottage I lived in was now bigger and more spacious. Children were a handful. It was like raising chicken over again. They were good enough to help me though. My younger niece especially showed great interest in vegetables.

"I'll grow up to be a farmer, just like you." She said, playing with the mud.

"Not like your papa?"

"He's always grouchy."

The soil was good for them. It was good for me. It was good for my father.

Time passed and I grew older. My younger niece lost interest in the vegetables. One summer I caught her speaking to her boyfriend on the phone.

"Please don't tell daddy." She pleaded.

"It's alright. Even I had a girlfriend when I was your age."

"Why didn't you marry her?"

"I started growing radishes."

The next day, I suddenly remembered an old story I had told to my girlfriend. I didn't remember her, but I remembered the story.

It was a strange story. As I remembered it, I grew nostalgic. That evening, I went for a walk. The sky reminded me of my childhood when I used to lie on the rooftops and just stare at it. I found nice patch of grass in the forest nearby. I laid there and fell asleep.

When I woke up, it was twilight.

I headed home. On my way, I came across a tree that was glowing.

"Come to me." A voice said.

I walked next to the glowing tree.

The trunk of the tree opened up. I could see the insides of the tree. It was glowing green.

"Come to me." The tree said.

For a brief moment, I saw a lady.

"Come to me."

I stepped inside the tree. It was big enough to hold me.

The trunk closed up and everything around turned dark.

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