Mikasa approaches the short blonde, "are you hurt anywhere ?" she asked softly, examining her face and hands.

"N-no, just a small bruise on my arm where Mina just pinned me-"

The two turned their heads when they heard the sound of the bathroom door being opened, revealing the secretary, "oh my.. What just happened ?! Holy shit, there's even blood over there !"

(Y/n) eyed Mikasa and Historia, then her eyes darted to the unconscious bodies on the floor.

"Come on, you two. Let's get out of here first, I'll call Hannes to clean this up."

The secretary finally managed to make Mikasa and Historia exit the women's lavatory. In the end, the two told her what happened. (Y/n)'s heart winced, knowing that there are people who call her a slut. But Mikasa and Historia quickly reassured her and told her not to worry.

---- A few hours after that ----

"What ? A catfight ?"

Hanji nods, "Yes. I heard this from Moblit. It looks like the employees from your team had a fight with some other female employees who were talking behind Ms. (L/n)'s back about dating you. And Ms. (L/n) was there too, trying to comprehend what happened."

"Wha- Is she hurt anywhere ?" Levi clenches his fist.

"Probably her heart, shorty," the brown haired woman sighs, "apparently, they said something about her flirting and seducing you."

"But do people have to say that much about us seeing each other ?"

"Well, people like to talk about other people, so.. yeah. That's how life works, Levi."

He growled, "but how dare they, about my woman.."

"That's because she's yours." Hanji pointed out, "because she's the girlfriend of the oh so famous Mr. CEO. How jealous and envious would they be now, huh ?"

"How pathetic. They should just use that time to be productive. After all, that's why I'm paying them." Levi lets out one last huff of annoyance before standing up from the sofa where the two hold their conversation.

Hanji immediately stood up too, "whoa ! Easy there.. Where do you think you're going ?"

"To see Ms. (L/n). To make sure she's alright obviously."

"Well, uh.." Hanji tries to find the right words, "you see, apparently she begged everyone not to tell you. Ms. (L/n) doesn't want you to know because then you'll start to mind every trivial thing."

Levi mumbles in realization, "then how did it come to reach my ears ?"

"Rumors are always like that. They go around, until the person in the center of that rumor finds out and makes him go crazy. Anyway, shorty, pretend you don't know about what happened today since that's what she wants, okay ? Because it's Ms. (L/n) who's probably having the hardest time."

"Tch, I know. That's what's driving me even more crazy. I can't stand seeing my woman being targeted."

--------Time skip--------

That evening, the whole ride to (Y/n)'s apartment was silent, as silent as you could imagine. The vice president had insisted on driving her home instead of taking the bus like she usually does. When they finally arrived and got out of the car, Levi escorted her to the front door.

"You should.. get some rest, brat. I guess this day has been quite rough on you."

She smiles, "Mr. Ackerman."

"Hm ?"

"I actually have something to say."

The woman fiddles with her fingers a little while building up the courage to speak up, "I.. I don't think I'll quit my job after all."

"...what do you mean ?"

"It's just as I said, sir. I want to remain as your secretary by your side as long as I can."

With a shaky breath, Levi inhales, "I'm the one who's the quickest to adapt, so though I'll feel your absence.. I-I'll be alright in no time. So go find what you really want to do in your life. This time, I won't stop your wish."

"I've found it. I think what I want to do is be your secretary, Mr. Ackerman. Just maybe.. I've been doing something that best suits and best brings out my abilities, but I hadn't realized it because I'd gotten too used to it. I feel that sense of satisfaction and achievement from supporting you for years."

(Y/n) notices that Levi's eyes slowly become wet and teary, "Ms. (L/n).." he breathed out.

"One more thing.." she proceeds, "I don't like seeing my loved one in trouble. Just as how you tried to let me go because you love me, I want to remain by your side. Because I love you."

A tear escapes his steel blue eyes.

"Anyways, you're yet to have dinner, right ?" (Y/n) smiles at him gently.

"Shall I stay for ramen ?"

"Sounds good. You're more than welcome, Mr. Ackerman."

Without further words, the two entered (Y/n)'s humble apartment. Levi misses the feeling of this tiny and cozy place. He still remembers the first time he had stepped his foot inside her apartment. And now here he is, making himself comfortable, waiting for his girlfriend to find something to cook. It almost feels like.. home.

"Jeez.. Looks like I'm out of ramen- Oh ! I have one just left !" (Y/n) exclaimed before skipping over to Levi with a bright smile, showing the last pack of instant ramen, "if I add some frozen dumplings, then that should be enough for two of us."

"Ramen with dumplings ?" Levi tilted his head.

She nods, "mhm ! If you add rice cakes, then that's ramen with rice cakes. And if you add cheese, then that's cheese ramen."

"What amazing instant food with MSG." He mumbled.

"I think you should watch Uncle Roger on YouTube, sir. He plays the role of 'typical Asian uncle' and he knows a lot about MSG. Uncle Roger even said that MSG makes everything better !" (Y/n) giggles before plopping down herself on the sofa beside her boyfriend, "ah.. It's always been my dream, you know. Spending the evenings with my husband after work, enjoying a simple meal-" (Y/n) slaps a hand to her mouth.

'Why the fuck am I saying this right now ? I sound like an idiot !'

The secretary quickly clears her throat before attempting to get up from the sofa, "Um, I'll start boiling the water now-" However, her hand was pulled back, making (Y/n) land on the sofa, this time, closer to Levi. He grasps her hand softly, intertwining their fingers before speaking.

"Then let me make your dream come true."

His thumb starts to caress her knuckles, "let's come home together every evening, and let's have ramen together every day. I don't care if my body ends up filled with MSG because I.. I want to be your husband," Levi stares deep into her eyes, "I want to marry you, (Y/n)."

The secretary stares at him wide-eyed with a gaping mouth.

"What ? Any objections, brat ?" He chuckles. Without waiting for her answer, Levi slowly leaned in to show his love for her. (Y/n) also does the same. But just as they were about to share a passionate kiss..


"DAD ??!!!?" 

What's wrong with Levi's Secretary ?  [Levi x Reader]Where stories live. Discover now