Chapter 19

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"Meg, will you relax." Gracie scolds me.

"I am relaxed."

"Layla will be fine, it's not her first day on the job."

"A fire doesn't really discriminate based on how long a firefighter has been employed." I scoff. "Her shift should have finished by now. Ah, what am I doing? I didn't want to get involved with anyone; my focus should be on my daughter. Now things are getting too serious. What happens if something happens to Layla on the job? How do I tell Abby that? Or what if we do start dating and break up?"

"They are all valuable concerns, but the fact you're worrying about Layla's safety should tell you something as well. Where is this all coming from? Is it just because the reality of Layla's job is hitting home or is something else going on?" Gracie asks with a knowing look.

"We slept together." I whisper.

"Yes, I seem to remember having this conversation already."

"Yes, but now it seems we're in a relationship. Before I was worried about starting a relationship just to have a break up, now I'm worried about something a lot more permanent than a break up. How do you explain a break up to a two-year old let alone anything else? It all has happened so fast and I don't know how to process it."

"Maybe a few days back here will help you sort some of that confusion out. As for Abby, it may be hard for her to understand but we'll all be there to help. Don't worry about her in this, focus on your own feelings."

My phone rings into the awkward moment saving me. I rush to answer and find its Layla.

"Hello, hey, are you okay?" I say in a rush.

She chuckles down the line, causing the old butterflies to flutter in my tummy. "I'm fine, everyone's safe. We've been relieved by the day shift with strict orders to get some sleep. It may be a few more days before we get this fire out."

I can hear the tiredness in her voice. "Okay, you're not going back to the house, are you?" Suddenly Gracie starts trying to mime something stopping me from taking in Layla's words. With a furrowed brow I ask Layla to hold on for a second. "What?" I ask Gracie.

"I was saying that she can come here if she needs somewhere to go."

"Gracie says your welcome to come here."

"Tell her thanks but I'm going to stay at the firehouse. We're all staying close just in case they need us back out there earlier."

"Okay then." I say feeling a weight of disappointment hit me. "Get some rest then and take care of yourself out there."

"I will. Are you and Abby okay?"

I smile softly, turning away from Gracie. "We're both fine, yes, Abby's been asking after you."

"I wish I was there with the two of you."

"Go get some sleep."

A soft tired chuckle proceeds a, "Yes ma'am."

When I hang up, I turn and see Gracie giving me a look. "Shut up." I sigh. Plonking back down on the kitchen chair.


"Can I help you ladies?" a gentleman with a head of white hair and a matching navy shirt and trousers on, asks.

"Hi, I was wondering if we could see Layla?" I ask, regretting following Gracie's plan.

"Layla?" he asks confused. "Oh, you mean Rug. Who should I say is here?"


"Wait a minute, you're her lady friend. Why don't you all come through." He says kindly leading Gracie, myself and the kids past the lone fire engine, and through a few corridors until we get to a kitchen/dining room. A few guys are sitting at the large table when we enter. "This is Meg, she's here to see Rug, do you know where she is?"

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