Chapter 10

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Meg comes practically running down the stairs with Abby in her arms. "I am running so behind." She says breathlessly, securing Abby in her seat at the table. "My uniform top hasn't dried fully, I need to feed Abby and get her dressed, I need to ..."

"Meg." I say grabbing her shoulders to stop her from pacing, "Meg, take a breath. I can feed Abby and dress her; you just sort out your top."

"No, it's fine, you're already taking her for the day."

"And this is part of the day. Go sort your top and I'll feed Abby." She dithers in place, looking between Abby and I. "Right, I'm using my age as authority, go sort your top out."

She chuckles slightly, "Three months. You're only three months older." I can see the relaxation in her body though, my cheekiness wins her over again.

"That three months holds a lot of wisdom."

"Your ridiculous. Fine, thank you. If you could feed Abby that would be a great help."

"I've got this." With that she rushes out the room. "Right Abby baby, what do you want for breakfast?"


That takes me a moment to decipher.

"Do you mean dunky eggs with soldiers?" I ask.

"Yeah." She says with an excited head nod.

"Okay then, coming right up." I get started on her breakfast. Putting the egg onto boil and cutting a slice of bread into fingers for dunking. I leave Abby in charge of the sand timer with instruction to tell me when the last piece of sand falls down. While having a different timer set-up. I've already packed some juice drinks and a small orange in my backpack for the day but figure we'll eat out for lunch. I'm actually a little excited for today.

Meg rushes back into the room with a towel wrapped around her head.

"I've got some toast made up, grab something to eat while you get ready." I say, making sure she has breakfast as well.

"Thank you." She says, placing a kiss on Abby's head before rushing out the room again.

"Meg, have you sorted out lunch for yourself." I ask, catching her by the stairs.

"Shit, no." She pauses with the toast half-way to her mouth.

"Don't worry, Abby and I will sort it. Don't argue either." I say leaving her at the bottom of the stairs with her mouth hanging open.

"Lay lay, look." Abby says as I walk back in the kitchen, pointing to the sand-timer. We both watch the last few grains fall to the bottom.

"I better check on your egg."


With both Carter girls fed and dressed we finally leave the house. Meg struggled with leaving Abby but Abby simply waved goodbye. Content to spend the day with me at the park. Abby and I worked together to make a packed lunch for Meg after breakfast was finished. I allowed Abby to butter the bread with interesting results. Half the butter ended up on my hands but she had fun and needs to start somewhere.

I put a cd on in the car and the two of us sing and dance in the car. People may think I'm weird but I don't care. I'm having fun.

When we get to the park, we find it empty. Perfect. "Race you to the slide." I say pretending to rush to the slide but really letting Abby stay in front.

"Me first." Abby says, starting to confidently climb the ladder. I hover behind her until she reaches the top. She's been to this park loads but she just seems too little even for the toddler section. This Park is cooler than any park I remember as a kid. The wooden tower just tall enough that I can still reach Abby but she thinks she's high in the sky. "Lay lay, watch me." She says standing at the top of the slide.

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