Chapter 7

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After years of listening to Gracie try to get me out in the dating world again, the fateful day has arrived. I'm out on a date, that is not really a date.

Remarkably enough Abby put up very little fuss when I left. I don't know what kind of superpower Layla has over my child but when Layla came to pick me up the tears stopped. All Layla did was sit down with her, explain that she was taking me out and asked her to behave for Gracie. Next thing I know Josh is sitting on the floor colouring with her and it was all she could do to say bye.

Layla was always a people person and could make friends with anyone. It's something I was always slightly envious of her about, how easy she could talk to someone. She always made sure everyone was included, which for someone as shy as me was always welcome.

As I watch her interact with her team mates and their partners, I'm reminded of how generous a person she is. We've finished our meals and all the speeches and awards have been given out. I realise that I have been having a great time, standing next to Layla gives me confidence. Maybe Gracie was right and I do need to get out every once in a while. Not that I haven't been thinking of Abby the whole night. I've been feeling so frazzled for too long now and tonight feels like a reboot. I want Abby to grow up with more confidence than me, and the only way for that is by showing her.

"Would you like to dance?" Layla asks.

When she says that I'm transported back in time to a night very similar to this one. We were all dressed up, had just finished eating when the dance floor was opened up.

I didn't say yes then. Oh, how I wanted to, but the fear of people realising I was gay got the better of me. I didn't say yes when I should have.

Now a different fear has got control of my tongue.

{Ten years earlier}

As prom night got closer, Layla dropped at lot more hints about wanting me to come out of the closet. The more obvious the hints became the more I resisted until prom night arrived and we'd all decided to go together as a group.

Everyone met at Jada's house for pictures and the limo. I arrived with Dan and could feel Layla's eyes on me before I even knew where she was. She stood with the others, wearing charcoal grey trousers, a crisp white shirt and a charcoal waistcoat. A royal blue satin pocket square adds a bit of colour.

Seeing her in her suit has my heart racing but it's the lustful look in her eyes as she drinks in my body that sets my veins aflame. When she unconsciously licks her lips, I want to say screw it and march over there and kiss her. Then Dan touches my arm and I remember that all the parents are here as well.

No, I can't do it, I can't come out. She must see the fear in my eyes because she nods solemnly before engaging Jasmin in conversation.

After we've eaten, well attempted to eat, the three-course meal, the dance floor is open for business. Layla, Dan and Alfie go to the bar for drinks while the rest of us keep possession of the table.

"Jasmin, what's going on with Layla and her girlfriend? She never mentions her and I thought she would have brought her to prom." Amelia asks, making me freeze in my seat, wondering how Jasmin will answer.

"Honestly I don't know much myself. As far as I know they are still together but her girlfriend is still not out."

"It must be hard for her having to keep that secret." Jada says.

Under the table I pull my phone out and text Layla for help.

"From what I can tell, Layla would like to go public with the relationship, but she really loves this girl so puts up with the secret."

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