"And now? Was it good, I bet it was good, Layla seems like the type that knows what she's doing?"

I know if I don't answer her, she will pester me endlessly and knowing her ask Layla as well. Time to nip this in the bud. "It was better."

"So, tell me more. How did it happen? Where did it happen?"

"I kinda initiated it while we waited for the food to arrive." I cringe, waiting for ...

"That's my cousin, you get in there." Waiting for that, she didn't disappoint.

"You're so weird." I say with a chuckle then I remember the embarrassing start and groan. "We were on the sofa and, oh god, I barely lasted two seconds."

There is a moment pause before she cracks up laughing. "Sorry, I shouldn't laugh." She says while still laughing at my mortification. "It's just, gosh, it has been a while haven't it. It happens though, how did Layla react?"

"She was lovely, and sweet. Told me not to worry and that she's going to make it her personal mission to get my stamina up." I say the last part behind my hands again. Remembering the cheeky glint in her eyes as she knelt in front of me. We worked on it a lot over the night, and a little bit more this morning. A brief pause came when food was delivered. Layla answering the door with only one of those blankets with sleeves covering her, giving me a delightful eyeful of her full moon. It may not have started off great but the ending was amazing.

"By that smile on your face you're not going to put up much of a resistance. At least this time you both don't have to sneak around. Bet that ruined your sex life a few times when you were teens."

"It definitely made it harder. Although there were some benefits to my parents being my parents, I had the house to myself a few times."

{Eleven years earlier}

My parents decided to go away for the weekend leaving me home alone. When they'd left this morning, I sent a text straight to Layla. She turned up about one o'clock, the intention of this afternoon clear for the both of us.

It's been less than a year we've been together but recently things have been getting more intense. Each kiss, which was magical at first, seem to set a fire burning in me. It is with great difficulty and regret that we stop our make out sessions at just kissing. Always waiting for the interruption.

Only we've got the house to ourselves today and nobody is going to stop me from taking the next step.

We start by watching a film together, keep things normal and organic. By the midway point I'm really struggling to follow the film, even though its one I've seen multiple times. I'm sitting here curled up in my girlfriend's arms, a place that makes my heart race but at the same time makes me feel calm. When she starts lightly tracing a line on my arm over and over again, I feel like I'm going to combust.

Forget waiting for the end of the film.

I turn and claim her mouth with my own. Kissing her hard and needily. She has a dazed look on her face when I pull back. Smiling I stand and hold out my hand. "Oh, we're doing this now. Okay then." She says taking my hand and following my lead to my bedroom. I love it when I catch her off guard.

Once the door closes, we're on each other in a flash. A hunger and desire for her pushes my nerves over this being my first time into a tiny ball. Clothes go flying amid giggles, until I realise, I have no more clothes on my body.

Layla seems to realise this at the same time and freezes over me. Kneeling next to me with her hands hovering above my body.

She looks at my bare body intently, visibly gulping and licking her lips. "I'm almost afraid to touch you." She says breathily.

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