Capture 2 ~ 'Tenko Shimura'

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A/N : I actually ended up confusing myself at points of writing these captures- So just you know, the school they are attending is basically UA for villains. Idk what to call it :^
VA, My Villain Academia <3

Tenko's POV
After class, I quickly ran to the bathroom to fix up my neck, 'Stupid piece of shit-' I thought to myself, washing my neck with water to stop the irritation, eventually it stopped as I heard the bell ring outside. I quickly ran out to my locker and grabbed my phone while putting my books away, walking to the cafeteria. I grabbed my lunch tray and took a quick glance to the tables, not seeing Toga or Jin. "These idiots are so damn late, all the time." I mutter before noticing Touya alone.

Seems like his friends weren't here either, 'Should I go talk to him? I mean, being friends won't hurt right? I'll just sit with him.' I thought to myself, literally using up all confidence I ever built up in my damn life to just talk to him. Now remember, I'm not the best at making friends nor did I really bother. Toga and Jin are just accidental friends, since they talked to me before I even bothered opening my mouth to say one word.

I took deep breathes and finally made my way over to him, he was just quietly sitting, munching on an apple with a bottle of water while his lunch just rotted in a corner. He was wearing blue ripped jeans with a white shirt, black jacket around his waist, a few chains around his neck and white sneakers. Not gonna lie, he looked kinda weird up close because of his scars but I didn't mind. "Hey, Mind if I sit here?"

Touya's POV
I was sitting alone minding my own business, until I heard a very raspy voice say. "Hey, Mind if I sit here?" I looked up and saw a boy with dusty blue hair and bloody red eyes. He was wearing a black hoodie with black jeans, red trainers and black gloves that only covered 3 fingers. He looked rather beaten up and had scars all over his neck and a few on his hands. "Yeah, sure." I answered watching him sit in front of me. Waitt, He was from my class. He usually sits in the corner row and doesn't talk much so it's surprising to see his mouth opened for once.

"So, What's your name?" I asked, as I watched him play around with his fingers and look down. "My name's Tenko Shimura, But call me Tomura. I'm more comfortable with that.." I heard him mumble in a low raspy voice. "Uhm, Alright then.  Tomura." I saw him started to scratch him neck a bit roughly that it ended up leaving a very red hash.

"Uhm, Let's play 20 questions to make it less awkward, and we can get to know each other?" I asked and watched him nod with a slight smile. "Alright, Uhmmm.. Do you have any siblings?" He went silent for a moment. "No.. I'm an only child." I nodded and went silent for a bit. "Hey, Cheer up. We can be friends if you want." He seemed sad and upset about my questions. "Wait really?-" I saw him immediately light up and a small smile formed on his face.

"Yeah, Of course. I wouldn't mind having another friend." He seemed a lot better then before. We ended up talking the whole period and didn't even realize it was time for the next class. "Wait, Let me grab my books real quick." I nodded and followed Tomura, his locker was 2 lockers away from mine.

Tenko's POV
Finally, I made a new friend for once in this year! If I'm honest, He's a pretty cool person. Sometimes he can be an asshole with his stupid jokes but I did the same sometimes. We'd joke around technically insulting each other but we didn't mean it. Besides, we kept it at a limit duh! After our last class, I was talking to him by our lockers and just joking around like idiots. "You made a new friend huh Tenko!" I jumped a bit and saw Toga standing behind me. "Uhm, Yeah." I smiled a bit and looked at Touya. "My name's Touya." He said with a little smile.

"Anywayss, Do you wanna hang out now? We got detention for causing trouble. No we didn't!" Jin and his duplicate stated. "Uhm, I was thinking we all could hang out together? If that's okay with you guys?" I asked glancing at the three of them. "Sounds really fun! What do you think Jin?!" Toga squealed in excitement looking at Jin. "Sounds fun, Terrible!" I looked at Touya. "Are you okay with that Touya?"

Touya shrugged and looked at me. "Sure, I got nothing better to do anyways." Toga started squealing for some reason. "Great! Let's all meet up at Tokyo park, Sounds good?" I gave her a thumbs up while Touya and Jin both nodded. "Alright! See you at 4pm." Toga exclaimed and skipped off to do her own thing, Soon Jin also left, which means it's only me and Touya left together.

"So, Dusty what now?" I was a bit spaced out but came back to reality when he spoke, I looked up at him. "Dusty? What kind of name is that?-" I gave him a weird expression. "Well, Your hair is a very dusty blue color, so your new name is now dusty. Unless you want me to call you Ashtray." I felt his hand go through my hair for a second, tucking it back my ear. "Yeah no- Your not calling me any nicknames anytime soon." I grabbed his wrist and took it out of my hair.

"Fine shortie." I rolled my eyes and glared at him. "We're literally the same height moron-" I just looked at Touya as he looked like his brain was processing. "Anyways, Want me to walk you home?" Once again I felt Touya's hand run through my hair for some reason. "Sure, But don't fricking touch me or I'll disintegrate you bitch." Touya just looked at me to a second. "Yeah okay." Then he ran his hand through my hair AGAIN. "I don't even care anymore, let's just go-" I rolled my eyes walked outside the school as Touya followed me.

We were mostly just joking around, Talking about our friends. We basically introduced our friends by ourselves. "Hey, do you mind if my friends tag along?" I shook my head. "Nope, I guess it'd be more fun with more people!" We walked for about another 2 minutes before I saw my house. "This is my stop, thanks for walking me. See you in a bit!" Right as I was about to walk away I felt my arm being pulled back as I turned around. I gave Touya a rather confused look as he was scribbling something on a piece of paper. "Here's my number if you wanna talk."

He gave me the paper which I gladly took and felt his hand run through my hair once again for the 100th time. "Thanks and don't touch me bitch!" I gave him an annoyed smiled and walked off to my house, going inside. I took a look around before screaming. "I'm home!" but no answer. "Huh, Master isn't home?" I mumble as I run up stairs to my room. Yes, My master picked me up off the streets and basically raises me as his own to be his successor when I'm older. I took off my shoes and changed my clothes staying in my room the whole time. Passing the time by, doing my homework, looking at my phone or simply just staring at a wall or the ceiling.

Touya's POV
At age 13 I ran away from home, Yeah I know crazy right? But I swear I would have died if I lived any longer in that house! My dad is Endeavor the Number #2 hero, Yes very cool and shit but he's an asshole. He used to train and beat the shit out of me and my younger brother Shoto, But mostly me because Shoto was too young to handle the pain I was going through. It caused my quirk to malfunction since I didn't have full control. And I ended up burning myself, that's how I got these nasty ass scar like burns on my body.

But luckily I ran away with my siblings support and without my father knowing. I didn't have anywhere to go but I made sure to take cash with me when I left. I ended up taking apart time job and got my very own place. Besides that, life is a lot better now, I mean obviously it is! I'm not getting beaten up or trained anymore which I'm glad about. Sometimes I do miss my siblings but I keep in contact and we sometimes talk but not much. We're busy with our own shitty lives.

1510 words?! H u h - ?
I didn't even realize I typed that much o.o

The Shy Kid - Shigaraki Tomura × Dabi &lt;3 Nơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ