Capture 1 ~ 'Touya Todoroki'

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Tenko's POV
It was just another very boring day of school, I was sitting in class in the corner since that's where I usually sit, waiting for my friends Toga & Jin to finally arrive. Until another boy came in and sat on the desk that was beside me. He had spiky black hair, A very dark shade of blue eyes, Purple scar like burns under his eyes and from his mouth till his his neck, almost half of his arms and maybe legs. He had a few piercings here and there.

At least 3 on his ears and one on his tongue. I only know since it gets exposed when he talks. His name is Touya Todoroki and they say he looks badass but he's a normal, kind person. I've never seen him bullying someone or anything, Mostly just keeping things to himself and his friends. I believe it somehow, He might be a nice person and I could finally make another friend, Right?

"Tenkooo!~" I heard a voice echo in my head as I was daydreaming about him technically. "Tenko, Wake up you daydreamer!!" I snapped back to reality and saw a blonde girl with a psychotic smile and messy space buns. Oh, It was Toga and beside her was standing Jin. "Daydreaming again Tenko?" I saw Toga giggle with a smile. "No.. Just lost in my thoughts.." I replied hiding my face in my hands in embarrassment. I took a quick glance over at Touya and saw two other boys sitting next to him. A boy with green skin and purple hair, He looks like a lizard kinda. What was his name again? Right! Shuichi Iguchi. The one had messy dark brown hair and golden-ish brown eyes. I think his name was Atsuhiro Sako?

Not sure nor care, I just have my eyes on Touya. "Tenko!" I heard a voice as I once again snapped back to reality. "Tenko, Your not paying attention." Toga whispered to me. Class had already started?! I didn't even realize as I quickly grabbed my notebook and started writing down the lesson. Let me tell you about a few other students while I'm at it. There's this one dude named Chizome Akaguro, He honestly looks like he's been beaten up. Not too special. But there are a few students I absolutely HATE in this damn school.

He has his whole little gang, His name was Kai Chisaki. I never really see his face since he wears a Black mask, Along with his friends. Hari Kurono who seems to be his boyfriend people said? Shin Nemoto, Joi Irinaka, Toya Setsuno or whatever. Just a bunch of assholes in another class. They're in the same year as us but in a different class since there were too many students to fit in one cramped room which couldn't even fit us.

After about 20 minutes of hell, class was finally over. I stood up and grabbed my stuff heading to my locker. I got everything I needed as I closed the door and saw Jin and Toga standing there like creeps. "Hiya Tenko!~" Toga giggled with a smile. "Gah!- God, Don't scare me like that moron-.." I exclaimed and leaned against my locker. "You've been daydreaming alot Tenko, is everything alright? Of course it's not!!" Jin asked before his stupid duplicate side squealed. "Yeah, I'm perfectly fine just thinking about something lately.." Toga smirked and looked at me.

"Something or someoneeee?~" She leaned closer to me smirking and giggling. "Wha?- Why would I be thinking of someone?!" I was a bit pissed since Toga did this every single time! "I'm just thinking about something Psycho! Quit saying that every single time, damn it!" I crossed my arms about to walk away. Before another hand pulled my arm. "Alright fine fine! I won't do it again, But do you wanna hang out during lunch with us?" Finally, She asked in a damn calm tone. "Sure, I guess.." I answered before walking off to my next class.

My seat was in the middle sadly, as I sat down setting up my desk. I glanced over at the back of the classroom and saw Touya sitting one desk behind me alone. None of our friends were taking History since it was boring. But I had nothing better to do or I'd just skip as well. I looked back at my notebook where I wrote a few notes in my last History class, realizing we had a damn pop quiz. "Shit, I should have just skipped-" I mumble under my breathe, regretting life decisions.

Luckily a few of the questions were pretty easy, While I was stuck on one question. Damn it, I'll just skip it. I raised my hand and saw the teacher nod as I put my hand down and banged my head on the desk. Not too loud nor did it hurt tho luckily. I started scratching my neck really aggressively. 'Damn it, right now?!' I thought to myself as my teacher looked concerned, I just gave her a nervous smile and kept scratching it, until I felt my skin peel off. I'm used to it and it eventually just grows back, It's not painful.. In fact it's relieving.

873 𝗪𝗼𝗿𝗱𝘀! :^

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