Chapter 10: The Tutor and His Pupil

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Word Count: 1,626

Chapter 10: The Tutor and His Pupil

"I'm never going to pass this test," I sighed, picking at my food. It had been a few weeks since school had begun and this particular weekend I was feeling stuck. I had been nailing every assignment for every class. Every class except one that is.

"Not with that attitude you're not," Elliot joked as he took a bite of a sandwich.

"How do you manage to stay awake in that class? I've never heard anything more boring than the Soap Blizzard of whatever date it was."


"Why do we even need to learn about such trivial things?" I complained. History had never been my strong suit, I could never keep up with all the dates and timelines. I'd barely managed an Acceptable on the last assignment, but before that, I had gotten Poor on several homework assignments as well as a project. I was barely getting by in the class, even with the help of my friends. "I wish Ruby and Val were able to help me, but they're already so overloaded with their own club activities and assignments to catch up with."

"I'd help you if I could, but I've got some club activities of my own this weekend plus I already promised I'd help a few of the other kids in my house with their studies. If I have time this week I might be able to help you with history."

"I appreciate the thought, Elliot, maybe I'll take you up on that sometime, but I gotta figure out some sort of solution by tonight."

"Having trouble with classes, Snake Girl?" A familiar voice sneered. I turned to see where the jeering came from, and low and behold, behind Elliot and I stood Dantes, Nathaniel, Theodore, and, of course, their ring leader Leon. They towered over Elliot and I when we sat.

"Fancy that, a brave spirited Gryffindor such as yourself has come all the way over here to talk to a lowly Slytherin such as myself," I rolled my eyes, even surprisingly myself with the venom dripping from my sarcastic tone. This was one of the rare occasions Leon had actually directly confronted me without adding onto whatever things his friends said.

"What, I can't come visit my twin sister anymore?" Leon said as he brushed his dark golden hair out of his face. His voice carried a tone of mockery. I hated how he used our familial relationships as weapons.

"I think you should go," Elliot said coldly, grabbing my shoulder to try and make me turn away from them, though I refused this advance.

"Not going to offer us tea? I thought you Hufflepuffs were supposed to be polite and kind," Theodore jabbed his side.

"It's probably because he's so chummy with a Slytherin. Be careful, or else she might jinx you too," Nathaniel joked to Dantes, the group of boys laughed.

"I don't jinx people who aren't worth my time," I replied. In truth, I'd gotten better at restraining myself when it came to fighting with him. I was holding a record of zero jinxes within three days, which may not seem like a lot, but with how much we fought this record was truly a miracle.

"Ooooh, aren't you just a peach today?"

"Sweeter than you."

"What're you doing over here, Leon?" Jason said, sensing the tension as he and some of his friends approached our group. Leon's brown eyes flashed with annoyance.

"Leaving," he said curtly, sticking his tongue out at my childishly before leaving. I just sighed. I'd mostly gotten over his childish anger, figuring he'd eventually come around in time.

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