Chapter 6: Classes Pt. 2

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Word Count: 2,100

Chapter 6: Classes Pt. 2

Potions class had come and gone as had lunch with nothing particularly eventful occurring, as Professor Wolfram mainly went over ingredients and tools and how to properly use and maintain them. Additionally, much to my chagrin as well as relief, aside from the snide stares of Leon's friends, I still hadn't exchanged words with anyone from his group. Now, my friend group and I were seated in our next class, History of Magic. The teacher, Professor Butterworth, was a rather impetuous and silly old man, almost looney even. He was short with dark skin and eyes, and his hair was long, curly, and white. While he seemed like a nice old man, I couldn't have been more bored by the curriculum he was planning to cover. My head was on my desk and I could feel drowsiness coming on. Most of my other friends were at least making an effort to pretend to be paying attention, but I could see Val subtly clipping his nails under his desk, as well as Sable looking through her book on charms. Not even the most extravagant of storytellers could ever make this interesting. However, a certain someone seemed to be thoroughly enjoying the subject.

"Nerd out much, Ruby?" I whispered, tilting my head up slightly to look at the Ravenclaw girl next to me. She pushed her ginger hair back as she glanced in my direction.

"Sleep much, Snoozy?" She replied quietly

"I don't know how anyone is staying awake in here," I yawned, sitting up again, thankful that I was in the back of the room where he couldn't hear me.

"If you're this tired you really go to bed earlier," she said in her concerned mom-friend voice. "Anyway, I find history fascinating."

"I just like sleep. Also you find every subject fascinating, which is saying something."

"I think a person can find things to enjoy about pretty much anything if they try hard enough."

"Very philosophical."

"I try," Rubina scoffed.

"You'd think they'd teach things that are actually important to history," Val whispered, not bothering to look in our direction. "I see no relevance in some of the course material that we're intended to cover. Honestly, I'd be better off studying at home in my family library."

"My family library. How fancy," I mocked him, using the most regal voice I could. I felt him jab my side before returning to his nail care.

"Jest if you please, but when you're failing this class while I excel we'll see who's laughing in the end."

"Yeah, right. You're paying about as much attention as I am."

"I don't need to pay attention. I'm such a genius I already know all of this," he said, closing his eyes.

"Pfft whatever."

"Alright class, that's all for today! You are dismissed!" Professor Butterworth exclaimed the most interesting sentence he'd spoken today. I quickly shoved my books into my bag and left the classroom alongside Elliot. We waited for the rest of our friends in the hall.

"Well that was a drag," I said, pulling out one of the packages of Bertie Bott's I'd bought on the train as a snack.

"It's not as bad as all that," Elliot said, extending a hand. I poured some of the jelly beans in his hand and he began picking at them. "I think it's a subject that you just need the right mindset for.


"I wouldn't say it was bad, I think it's just it's not as interesting as learning actual magic," Sable said catching up with us, Val and Rubina close behind her. "If there are any important events or things I should note, I'm sure you guys will explain it to me. You'd know better than I would at least."

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