Chapter 7: The Conspiracy Theorist

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Word Count: 2,621

Chapter 7: The Conspiracy Theorist

The next morning, I woke up from a restless sleep. I just couldn't seem to get Leon's words out of my head, they were affecting me more than I wanted. I shook off the feelings as best I could before joining Val, Lucian, and Mathias in the common room. I didn't want to make another scene like yesterday.

"Good morning sleepyhead. You certainly look a fright!" Val greeted me.

"Uh huh. It's too early in the morning for your pretentious ass," I replied.

"Sounds like someone woke up on the wrong side of the bed," Lucian said.

"Oh hush Lucy."

"Did... did you just call me Lucy?!" He exclaimed, shocked. I smiled.

"Yeah. Lucy and Val. I think it has a nice ring to it," I said mischievously. I looked over and noticed Mathias staring at me with wide eyes. "What?" I asked him in a somewhat sassy voice.

"It's just..." Mathias began.


"I've never heard you cuss before. It was kinda hot." I rolled my eyes at Mathias. Accompanied by the boys, we went to breakfast, meeting up with Elliot at our breakfast table, who was making it a habit to sit at the Slytherin table rather than his own house table. We chatted a bit as we ate, and after a large heaping of bacon, eggs, rolls, and orange juice, I was ready for class.

This morning we had two brand new classes: Transfiguration and Herbology. The former was first, and I could tell that Elliot was looking forward to this particular class. As we sat in the Transfiguration classroom waiting for class to start. The beautiful professor, Professor Chrysalis, from the sorting ceremony appeared and began class.

"Let us begin with the Transfiguration alphabet. Each letter directly translates to and correlates with all twenty six letters of the English alphabet. Please copy what I've written on the board into your notes, as you'll be using it throughout this class," Professor Chrysalis spoke as we began vigorously writing in our notebooks.

I had no qualms with the class or the professor, in fact I was growing to enjoy the subject. Not nearly as much as potions, of course, but certainly more than history, which, in all fairness, isn't a very high standard. Elliot seemed to be enjoying the subject as this was the first time I'd seen him show excitement to be in a class.

Nothing of note happened during this class, but at one point I snuck a glance at Leon and saw he was doing pretty well with the formulas and calculations sheet Professor Chrysalis had given us. I flashed a quick, proud smile at him, not realizing I'd even done so until I see him return my glance, a fierce look of hatred in his eyes reflecting back at me. I didn't look at him for the rest of class after that.

My friends and I made our way to Herbology, which was the last remaining new class of the day, the rest being one's we'd experienced just yesterday. I was quite excited for Herbology, as it would tie into potion making, plus I just always thought plants were cool.

"So, Herbology is magical plants and stuff, right?" Sable asked us.

"The more correct term would be magical botany, but yes," Rubina replied.

"This ought to be pretty good! Not to brag, but I'm a pretty good gardener back home," a look of excitement and pride lit up Sable's face. I could tell she was excited to be in a subject she had some sense of familiarity in. I couldn't imagine what it must've been like, suddenly being told you're a witch, that there's a school you must attend, to leave home and just trust the people around you as you're whisked away to a whole new world that was previously hidden to you. It's no wonder she was placed in Gryffindor I thought to myself. It takes incredible bravery to do such a thing, plus she doesn't seem to be afraid of trying anything new. I wonder if it's because she feels behind on her magical knowledge.

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