Chapter 2: Meeting on the Train

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Word Count: 2,111

Chapter 2: Meeting on the Train

The day had finally arrived, our long awaited journey to the best wizarding school in the United Kingdom: Hogwarts. Luggage in hand, Jason escorted Leon and I to Kings Cross Station, as our parents were unable to return to see us off. The station was very busy, many muggles could be seen standing in wait or running about to catch their trains. The sounds of the conductors dressed in their suits and hats directing people echoed throughout the station as we made our way through the station. How odd we must look to all the muggles with our luggage and owls on our trolleys. It's a wonder magic has been kept secret for so long. I scanned the signs hanging from the brick columns for platforms nine and ten, and upon seeing them, I led my brothers in that direction. It didn't take us long to sneakily go through the barrier, Mum and Dad had taken us there every year to drop Jason off.

After getting through, we arrived at Platform 9 ¾ and before us stood the Hogwarts Express, a very ostentatious looking locomotive lavished with exceptional care. It was full of wizarding families dropping off their children. My brothers and I boarded the train, and I could feel my stomach start to fill with the fluttery feelings of anxiety, mainly from excitement and nerves about starting school, and I grabbed Leon's hand as we were led inside. We watched as the train began pulling away from the station, and as I watched all the parents waving goodbye to their kids, it made me sad that our parents weren't there to see Leon and I off for our first year. Their jobs were certainly important, though, and we had always sacrificed important events growing up, so I had already made sure to say goodbye to them before they left for their business trip. After the train departed and we left the station, we settled into our compartments. I watched as many other students ran past the compartment Leon and I were sitting in, when suddenly the door slid open and Jason peeked his head in.

"Now, both of you stick together and watch out for each other until you get to the castle. Older years travel by carriage, but first years travel to the castle by boat so I won't see you both for a while. Afterwards one of the professors will escort you to the main hall to be sorted into your houses, we'll catch up then," He nodded to me and patted Leon's shoulder. "You both should have some pocket money for trolley snacks, but if you need me for anything on the way, I'll be in one of the seats a few coaches down. I'll be off then!" Jason said with a reassuring smile before abruptly turning and walking away.

"See you Jason!" Leon waved and called after him. I knew Jason went off to go meet up with his fellow Gryffindor friends. Our family had been sorted into Gryffindor for centuries, and Leon was sure it was where we belonged as well.

"I wish first years could try out for Quidditch," Leon said, sighing as he looked out the window.

"Well, I understand why they wouldn't let us, it is a little bit rough of a game. At least we'll be able to next year," I replied.

"True. I just know we'll both make the Gryffindor team next year! I can see it now: the Unbeatable Sinclair Twin Chasers!" Leon proclaimed, excitement coursing through him as he dramatically gestured to a nonexistent audience. I just giggled at his nonsense. Suddenly, the door to our compartment swung open once again and a group of babbling students about our age appeared in the doorway.

"Oops! Sorry, didn't realize there were people in here," A boy with medium brown hair and deep brown eyes said.

"Ah, no worries!" Leon said. "Are you guys first years too?"

"Yeah! We're just exploring the train," the girl next to him said. She had long, straight black hair tied back into a ponytail and dark eyes that gleamed with excitement.

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