Chapter 9: My Glimpse of History

Start from the beginning

Is it just me? There's no way... I think he's noticed it too 'cause he's looking at the sunset the same way I am. He's still far away enough for me not to hear what he's saying, but I notice that he's mumbling something to himself as he witnesses the sun.

He almost looks scared. Was this something related to his investigation or something? No way... the sun's been setting and rising the same way for billions of years. I must be getting dizzy or something.

I raise my arm up to try and snap him out of his staring contest with the sun.
"H-Hey, you okay? What's up — anything the matter?"

He looks down from the sun, and down at me. Huh... I suddenly take notice of how tall this guy is. He snaps out of his funk, and gives me a worried laugh.

He speaks up.
"So, uh, anyways... do you wanna know more about this stone? I can answer any question you may have as long as it aligns with the information I can disclose." 

I can tell he's trying to change the subject, but I don't pry.
"Yeah, sure. What are you going to do with this thing anyways?"

"The higher-ups are interested in the historical relevance this stone may have. Do you recognize the craft of it?

I take a look at the photo.
"No, I can't say I do."

He points out a few details in the photo.
"The 'gem-experts'— I guess that's a good term— say that the faceting of this jewel is truly unique. Nothing in the modern eras come close to whatever cut this gem is. It gives it its brilliant, golden glow."

I'd like to think I'm pretty knowledgeable, but not when it comes to gem cutting.
"So what you're saying is, basically, is that this stone is valuable?

He answers.
"Money-wise?— Most definitely; however, we're not going to be selling this gem for money."

"Oh... so what are you going to do with it?"

"This centuries-old gem is the key to unlocking a hidden part of our powers, so to speak. It's a working theory, but this gem was used as a means of power during the wars of the early renaissance period... to be more specific... the Sengoku Period"

Talk about a history lesson... I think I have vague knowledge about this though. Vague enough to understand that during this period of Japanese history was full of consistent civil war and social upheaval.... It wasn't just a war from the East, however. Apparently, Europeans came smack in the middle of the war, only furthering the conflict.

I'm sure you could look it up on the internet, but all you need to know was that this was a period of endless war, lasting for nearly two centuries.

Now that I'm thinking about it though, this era seemingly matched up with the temple, but... all the way out here? It's impossible.

I take an even closer look at the gemstone. Who knew that something that was so valuable— that literal centuries of war were waged around it— was right here, so close to where I was?

It's scary. I wonder how many warriors are looking down at me from above, knowing that I'm so close to what they gave their lives for?"

"So... it's a super-weapon, that's what you're saying? If I get this, you're not going to start a war with it, are you?" I ask, concerned.

"Oh, no-no. Nothing like that. In fact, getting it right now might prevent war, even."

Holy shit. Was getting this thing really that important? Whatever the reason is, I might just be the reason why this world will either be saved or destroyed.

But that doesn't explain what my father was doing with it. Does he know anything about that stone and its history?

"Wait, if this stone is so valuable, and it gets known that I was the one who got it, won't I become a target? How are you ensuring that I'll be safe with you?"

Rainfall Chronicles: Amelia ReinhartWhere stories live. Discover now