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"तुतारी फुंकली,
नगाड्याचा नाद घुमला,
फुलांची सजावट केली,
जणू इंद्रधनू धरतीवर उतरला,
तिच्या स्वागतासाठी..."

(Trumpets were blown,
Drums formed the magical beats,
The entire kingdom bathed in flowers,
The rainbow seemed to land there,
To welcome the victorious Queen...)


Chandrashekhar, along with his mother Vidya Bai Saheb and other family members stood at the entrance of the Fort. Everyone cheered for them as they stood there.

"महाराज चंद्रशेखर राज्यांचा विजय असो !!
(Hail the victorious King Chandrashekhar !)" The crowd cheered as Chandrashekhar asked them to stay silent.

Chandrashekhar never liked being praised. He looked at Sripad who knew what to do in such situations.

"महाराणी यती बाई साहेबांचा विजय असो !!
(Hail the victorious Queen Yatee !!)" Sripad cheered as the crowd followed him.

The crowd was searching where their beloved Queen was. The news that she is arriving was spread over the entire kingdom like a wild fire. More and more people were approaching the Fort to have atleast a glimpse of their beloved Queen. But little they knew, she was standing amidst all of them...

She heard her name being cheered by everyone. Tears filled up her eyes. She proudly smiled at all her countrymen. They weren't just mere countrymen for her, they were like her children. She had struggled for making this kingdom happen since her childhood. She faced many people who said that she is worthless, she isn't able to make a future for herself, she will bring bad luck, her family doesn't want her. She was called names since she can remember. But now, after years of struggle, she can proudly stand amongst everyone and feel that no, she isn't worthless, she is worth something... She isn't a symbol of bad luck, she is the symbol of Power for her people... She isn't a meek woman, she is a strong warrior... She is what she wished herself to be...

Yatee stood amidst the crowd. Chandrashekhar spotted her and asked Ramchandra to bring her ahead, in front of HER people. Those people who awaited to meet her. Those people who celebrated her life. Those people who truly loved her.

Ramchandra went into the crowd. The crowd became silent. They knew that something is there in the crowd which called the Prime Minister of their Kingdom to come amidst the crowd. They stood in silence as Ramchandra held Yatee's hand and escorted her upto the gate of the Fort. He held the things she had carried along with her. She stood there as she glanced at everyone present there. Her eyes failed to blink as they felt this was a dream. A dream which no one wanted to end. But this wasn't a dream...

The crowd recognised her at the instance she stood in front of them. Everyone cheered for her. Some cried as they thought they wouldn't be able to see her again but were now able to stand in front of her. Some showered flowers over her. But everyone had one thing in common, they all loved and respected her. She wasn't just their ruler, she was their family. She was a loving daughter for elders, an elder sister for many and a caring mother to the orphans. She was a strict ruler, but even her strict rules were obeyed by everyone with love. Because they knew, she sacrificed everything for them. She sacrificed her family do that others don't have to part with theirs. She was the best of what the people can ask their ruler to be.

Yatee : Rise of an EmpressWhere stories live. Discover now