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Few days past by... Chandrashekhar was still struggling to find our who was the young man who handed him the letter from Queen of Nadiabaad. His trusted team of investigators and himself we're finding out that anonymous painter but all in vain.
Soon it was the monsoon season. Ajinkyapur experienced moderate rains, but this year, there were huge floods in Giripur. Giripur needed immediate attention of the royal court.


"I'll be back within a day, Swami." Yatee said as she was convincing Chandrashekhar to let her go to Giripur.

"But the kids..." Chandrashekhar said as he was avoiding to leave Yatee all alone, especially after that letter from Nadiabaad.

"I'll take them, too. Afterall it's been few months since they have met their Great Grandfather, Manibhadra Appa. And also the court needs your constant attention. We are facing a lot of problems regarding the funds." She said and sat in front of him.

"Ok. But only for a day. If your aren't coming back by night, I'm coming to sleep with my dear Princess Lalita." He said as he affectionately hugged his daughter.

"Don't worry. She will be in your arms by night." Yatee said as she smiled at their childish antics.

"And what about my sons ?" He said as he placed Lalita on her bed.

"तुमची तिनही लेकरं मध्यरात्रीच्या आत तुमच्या कुशीत निजलेली असतील... वचन आहे हे आमचे.
(All the three kids of yours will be fast asleep in your warm embrace before midnight... I'm promising you.)"
She said as she sat besides him, putting kids to sleep.

"आमची लेकरं जर आमच्या सोबत निजली, तर मग आमच्या स्वामिनींच काय ? त्यांना विसरलात का ?
(And if my kids are also besides me then, what about my beloved ? Did you forgot about her ?)"
He said as he turned towards her.

"आम्ही काय, असू नाहीतर नसू...
(What about me, I'll either be there or not...)"

"Sshhh... Don't utter such words..." Chandrashekhar spoke while covering her mouth.

"Okay... Sorry..." She said and they both chuckled.


But little they knew that destiny was about to play with their lives, once again. And this time, for a long duration...


"Sultan... Sultan..." In the middle of night, a voice was echoed through the corridors.

"What happened Umar Ali ? Atleast let me sleep in peace." Katalkhan came out of his room and frowned the the panting figure of his Vajir, Umar Ali.

"खुदा का लाख लाख शुक्र है सुल्तान, लाख लाख शुक्र।
(We must thank the almighty for a million times Sultan, a million times.)"
Umar Ali said as he made a short prayer.

"पर ऐसा हुआ क्या उमर, क्या हुआ ऐसा की हम उसके सामने शुक्रिया अदा करे ?
(But what has happened Umar, what has happened that I should thank Him ?)"
Katalkhan said, now being in state of full awakeness.

"Be ready to embrace the victory, Sultan ! Be ready to be the official King of Nadiabaad !" Umar Ali said as he embraced Katalkhan.

"What ? Decipher the news clearly." Katalkhan, now excited and impatient, asked him.

"उस अजिंक्यपुर पर नादियाबाद का परचम लहराने का वक्त आ गया है सुल्तान । अब इस बार हमारी जीत और उस चंद्रशेखर की हार निश्चित है ।
(Now it's the time that we raise the flag of Nadiabaad over Ajinkyapur, Sultan. This time I assure you our victory !)"
Umar Ali said with a sparkle in his eyes.

"Give me the details, Umar." Katalkhan took him to his study room and motioned him to sit down.

"Wait upto the morning. We will recieve the exact details from Ajinkyapur. Then I will show you my detailed plan. It's quite complex but assures us our victory. So wait." Umar Ali said calmly.

They both grinned and left the room. But little they knew, one person was eavesdropping by that room and had heard their entire conversation.

"अम्मीजान, उठिए अम्मीजान ।
(Mother, wake up mother.)"
A little girl, about ten to twelve years old, was waking up her mother, Nazneen Begum.

"What happened, Masiha, my child ?" She asked her as she pulled the girl besides her.

"Mother... That father... And Vajir... Are planning..." The girl said as she was shivering with fear.

"What they said Masiha ?" A young man voiced from behind.

"भाई जान, वह अब्बाजान और वजीर किसके जान के साथ खेलना चाहते है, किसीको मारना चाहते है।
(Brother, that father and Vajir are planning to play with someone's life, they plan to kill someone.)"
The girl said as she collapsed in Shehryar's arms.

"What ?" Nazneen Begum said as she stood from her bed.

"Yes. They plan to kill someone, not from our Kingdom." Masiha said as she sat on the bed and drank water.

"It must be someone from Ajinkyapur, or maybe King Chandrashekhar himself !!" Shehryar said as he looked at his mother.

"We need a confirm news, my child. If anything we act turns suspicious, then you will be imprisoned, or maybe, hanged !" Nazneen Begum said as she thought over the entire scenario.

"We will wait till tomorrow evening for confirm news. But if nothing's heard, then I will send someone to inform to Ajinkyapur." A hoarse voice of an elderly man was heard.

"दादाजान, आप यहां ! (Grandfather, you here !)" Shehryar said as he bowed down to his grandfather, Badshah Khan.


Meanwhile in Chandanpur, the court was planning about the one day visit to Giripur. Sripad along with handful of soldiers were going to accompany Yatee and the kids. Chandrashekhar was going to reach Giripur by night as Manibhadra Rao had asked him to visit the village. It had been a long time since they had been to Giripur, so everyone accepted the offer merrily.


"Travel safely. I'll be there by night." Chandrashekhar bid them good-bye as Yatee and Sripad waved him back.

"Don't worry Shekhar. Everything will be fine." Ramchandra spoke as he patted his shoulder.

"का कुणास ठाऊक, पण कसली तरी चिंता वाटत असे. का जाणे पण, निरभ्र आकाशात एक काळा ढग तूफानाची चाहूल देऊ पाहत आहे. का जाणे पण, सूर्य आकाशात तळपत आहे तरी अंधाराची भीती वाटत आहे आज...
(I don't know why, but a scent of trouble is disturbing me. Don't know why, but even the sky is clear, one dark cloud seems to give an institution to upcoming storm. Don't know why, but even if the sun is pouring it's brightness in the world, the fear of darkness fills my mind...)"
Chandrashekhar said as he wiped the corner of his eye.


Another update !!

Do let me know your thoughts in the comments...

Next update soon...

Till then, stay safe, take care and lots of love 💕

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