ch 3

22 1 0

"FUCK FUCK FUCK I'M LATE" olivia overslept. she sprung out of bed, desperately hurrying to key in the details to her online zoom class. as she finally entered her first class of the day, a message lit up her phone screen.

mark: hey morning olivia!

olivia internally panicked. "it's him again oh my god wait he said good morning??? to me???? what????" she couldn't believe what was happening before her eyes and struggled to even pay any attention to the class going on. "how do i reply in the most non weird and nonchalant way ever" olivia whispered as she nervously chewed her lips.

olivia: hey good morning mark!|

no that's not it.

olivia: morning mark ^^

hm... this should do....

she clicked send and immediately shut off her phone, almost immediately regretting replying. "i should've waited... even 5 minutes more would've been better... now i just look like an obsessed bitch..."

mark: how'd you sleep? did you rest well?

olivia's eyes widened. "he-he's asking me if i slept well? what is going on" she muttered, her actions and thoughts resembling a young girl hopelessly in love.
olivia couldn't like this guy she met on a game this quickly could she...
she shook away all thoughts and replied him.

olivia: yeah i slept well! what about you?
mark: glad to hear, i slept well too don't worry haha

olivia mentally hit herself. "why is he so adorable..."
barely even listening to any of her classes that day, she spent it chatting with mark and slowly getting to know each other better.
unbeknownst to her, mark shared the same thoughts too.


short chapter >< will write more soon, have just been really really busy lately

online love! MARK LEEWhere stories live. Discover now