▪️⬛️Chapter Seventeen⬛️▪️

Start from the beginning


My head snaps toward my kidnapper, blinking myself out of deep thought.

He appears agitated.

More so than usual, as if it's not his first attempt at getting my attention.

Well he has it now.

"Yes?" I ask somewhat breathless.

It takes me a moment to pull my mind away from reflections of my past and back to the present.

"I said let's go, I have somewhere to be." He grumbles, tucking a wad of cash into his breast pocket after placing a small stack of rubles on the table between us.

I nod weakly as I stand up and follow him out of the cafe.

The short walk back to the car seems to take forever. Especially now that we are walking side by side and I'm not racing to get away from him.

There's a sudden sharp pain in my hip just below my stomach as I move and I have to step carefully on my right foot or I'll make it worse. I'm slightly limping because of the jabbing pain so I walk extra slow as to not draw attention to it.

This seems to agitate him more.

When we are almost back to his sleek black car he leads me toward a covered corner of the yellow building instead. Before I know what's happening he turns toward me swiftly, garnering a small shriek to be pulled from my lungs as he grabs ahold of my arms painfully, spinning me around to face him.

He shoves my back up against the brick with a thud and then takes two steps to tower over me.

His shadow that falls over me, instantly makes me shiver from the lack of warmth coming from the sun shining overhead.

Quickly, his hands leave my shoulders, dragging down my arms and waist, to grope the back of my legs.

I panic.

"W-What are you doing?"

My breathing quickens to short, manic bursts at the sudden assault of his hands.

He remains silent.

The perfectly coiffed hair on the top of his head falls forward into his eyes as his long fingers start behind my knees, dragging their way up to my bottom with methodical caresses and firm pressure.

He's searching me.

Appalled, I snap at him. "Get.. off.. of.. me!" Every word is forced out of my mouth in the form of a growl as I thrust at his chest. I push and push trying to shove his body away from mine but my attempts are futile. Every shove is like ramming into a brick wall.

Before I can pull away he nimbly snatches up both of my wrists with one hand and holds them above my head as his other hand continues it's exploration.

His words are scathing when he finally decides to speak.

"One thing you need to know about me Alina is that I see everything." He breathes the accented words into the curve of my ear sending chills racing down my neck and spine.

Agent 7. The Shadows: Part IWhere stories live. Discover now