Hardin Chapter 36

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(Follow my Instagram Hessatextstories for more)

Day 3

At this point I'm going fucking insane, I don't know how much longer I can do this. I can't sleep without thinking of her, every thought is filled with her and I'm going mad. I just wanna see her, I just wanna kiss her one last time. Just to tell her I love her from a distance would be enough.

I actually came to school today in hopes of seeing her, I wouldn't have approached her but I just wanted to see her. I wouldn't talk to her but I just need to see her, I want to hear her voice. I  wish this didn't hurt so bad, I wish moving forward didn't hurt so bad. I know that this is best for her but it's definitely isn't the best for me.


"Ok class, remember that since majority of you are seniors that this is your last chance to earn extra credit towards your English grade because this is your last class, your report on 1980s is due at midnight tomorrow. Have a good rest of your day."

Everyone stands up and starts to leave, I grab my books before I leave the class. I walk into the hallway and immediately look for Tessa, she's not here.

I need to stop looking for her, I need to move on. Waiting for her to turn up isn't moving on, I need to take charge.

I suddenly see another blond walking down the hall, I think she's in my English class. Maybe that's what I need, a rebound so I can start to forget about Tessa. A one night stand is just what I need, I need a meaningless fuck so I can pull myself together. She's fucking Brian so there's no need to feel guilty at all, we aren't together anymore.

I take a breath before I walk up to the blond, she's walking with two other girls.

"Anna?" I call out.

She turns around and her blue eyes meet mine, she stops walking and looks at her two friends before she looks back at me. She looks nothing like Tessa.

"Yeah?" She answers.

"Do you have a minute?" I ask.

Why is this so fucking awkward.

Her friends smile at her and whisper something before they leave and we are left alone, she nervously looks down at her feet before she looks up at me.

"Did you need the English answers for the assignment we have due?" She says in a shaky voice.

"No, I.............I was wondering if maybe you wanted to hang out, tonight."

God I'm already regretting this.

"Uh.......sure. What do you wanna do?"

"How about I just come over to your place." I tell her.

"Ok, but I live in the dorms. But I can get my roommate to leave, she's usually at her girlfriends apartment anyway." She rambles.

Gosh she's annoying.

"Ok, I'll meet you there at 8pm."

"Ok, it's building C room C22."


I begin to walk away.

"Do you need my number." She asks frantically.

I roll my eyes before I turn around, I'm never gonna see her after tonight so I don't really need her number.

"Sure, why not. Who knows I might get lost." I say sarcastically.

She faintly smiles before she hands me a sliver of paper, I hesitantly reach for it. I feel so fucking guilty. I quickly shove it in my pocket.

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