Hardin Chapter 8

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She left, she actually left with him. She's staying at his place, in his bed.............with him.  She said she didn't sleep with him but...........she........I can't believe this.


I sit at my desk and stare off into space, she's sleeping with him. But I refuse to believe that, she would never sleep with him. I mean it took her a while to open herself up to me, unless she loved Zach the whole time.

No, I refuse to believe that. She loves me, she loves me, I know she does. She's not sleeping with him, she's not. She wouldn't do that to me, right?


I look over at Sam, she's stayed with me the whole day. She just talks about dance and the wedding tomorrow, I was only going to go if Tessa wanted to but now that we are in this awkward place I don't know. I didn't even wanna go in the first place, fuck the wedding and fuck everything in between. I'm done.

"I'm the flower girl." She says while she colors her drawing book.


"In the wedding, I'm the flower girl. I have this pretty dress and shoes and Kelly said I can wear makeup and that someone is gonna do my hair." She says.

I don't really care but she seems excited and I don't wanna be a dick.

"That's cool Sam."

"You're going to the wedding right?" She asks.

I move around the papers on my desk.

"I don't know Sam, I have a lot going on."

She becomes really quiet.

"But you and Tessa promised." She says quietly.

"I know, but Tessa is...................busy.........she's really busy and I'm really busy ok."

"She looked like she was crying this morning, is everything ok with you two? She's usually smiling and wearing high heels and makeup, you two are usually all over each other.........you guys barely talked today."

God she's nosy.

"We are..................we are just taking a little break for the moment."

The crayon falls from her hands and she looks at me with a shocked.


"No....................we are just taking some space."

To me she's still my girlfriend, she's always gonna be mine.

"How could this happen, you two were supposed to be together forever."

"We are still together, sometimes things just don't work out as planned. Adults have real problems Sam, you just wouldn't understand."

She stays quiet.

"Do you still love her?"

"Of course I do, but sometimes love isn't enough."

The real truth is that I'm a disgusting monster but I can't tell Sam the reason we broke up is because I used Tessa to win a bet.

"I think you guys should talk it out."

"Yeah well talking only works when the other person is willing to listen."

I sigh.

"I don't want to talk about Tessa anymore Sam."

"Ok, sorry." She says quietly.

She continues to color and I just stare at my computer screen.

"Did you eat today Sam?" I ask.

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