Tessa Chapter 5

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(Follow my Instagram Hessatextstories for more)

I sit on the couch and finish the rest of my muffin, once I'm finished I grab a tissue and wipe my mouth. I fold it into a heart before I place it back on the table, my mom would always pack my lunch for school and she would fold my napkins into hearts before she put them in my lunchbox. I always found it cute so I asked her to teach me, I do it all the time now. Once I made lunch for Hardin and folded his napkin into a heart, he was so mesmerized by it that he asked me to teach him. It took him like 30 minutes to learn and at the end we had about 20 crumpled napkins but he was so proud he learned.

I wipe the tears forming in the corners of my eyes.

Gosh I just miss him, I hate him and love him and miss him.

I stand up and throw the wrapper from my muffin in the trash, Gavin walks back into the kitchen and starts filling a pot with water.

"Are you cooking?" I ask.

"Yeah, I know Kim is tired and she'll probably be hungry when she gets back. I wanna have something ready for her."

I swear Gavin is the sweetest, he's such a good boyfriend.

"I can help if you want." I offer.

"It's ok, you've been through a lot lately. You can relax, I'll be done fast."

"You sure?"

"Yeah, I like to cook anyway. I mean I am a culinary major."

"Wait what, really? Kim never told me that, I thought you worked in advertising?"

He chuckles.

"I do work in advertising cus it's the family business, but cooking is my passion so I went to school for it. My dream is to open a restaurant of my own, but I guess we'll see."

He grabs two onions and stars cutting them.

"Well I'm excited to try your food, I'm sure it will be amazing."

He smiles.

I walk into the living room and sit on the couch, I look out the window and see that snow has finally stopped. I thought it would never stop, it's not even December and it's already snowed so much. Thanksgiving is in a week and I have no idea what I'm doing, Hardin and I were supposed to go together but I'm not sure I can face my family alone. I already know my mom will go full interrogation mode and force the truth out of me, and I was excited to go with Hardin. I was excited for him to meet the rest of my family, I'm happy he hasn't though. The less people that know about him the better, cleaning up this mess is gonna take longer than I thought.

A knock at the door disrupts my thoughts, my heart drops at the thought that it's Hardin. Kim has a key...........so she's not the one at the door.

Gavin walks into the living room and gives me a confused look.

"What if its him." I say softly.

Give gives me a warm look.

"Don't worry, I won't let him in.........unless you want me to?"

I'm not in a place to make decisions so I shake my head no.

He walks to the door and opens it, I relieved and also worried to see that it's Zach.

"What are you doing here man?" Gavin questions.

"I left my wallet here yesterday night." Zach says.

He looks past Gavin and see me, we make eye contact and I quickly look away.

"Tessa.......can I talk to you, please." Zach begs.

After The Truth जहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें