Hardin Chapter 20

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(Follow my Instagram Hessatextstories for more)

I woke up with my arms around her, her head was on my chest and her light snores filled the little space between us.

I gently tucked her hair behind her ear and lightly grazed my thumb over her cheek, I haven't been this close to her in ages. I missed her, I missed her a lot. I don't know how we got in this position but I'm grateful, I don't know what it is that always makes us come back to each other.

It's fate.


I take this time to gently memorize her face, I haven't seen her this close in a while.

Her lips are lightly rosy and ripped open, her eyes are sunken in slightly, her unruly bangs fall in front of her face. Her hair has gotten longer, I know it's only been a week apart but I feel like I've missed so much. She's still as beautiful as ever but I can see the subtle changes that no one else can, I can see how her eyes have shifted more towards grey than blue. I can see that her fingers have been ripped open, her nails are short and the black polish is chipped.

My poor Angel, she's been struggling. And all this pain and suffering is because of me.


Hour later.


She slowly sits up and looks at me.

"Hi." She says softly.


"How long have you been up?" She asks.

I sit up and join her.

"Just a few minutes..........you looked so peaceful and I.....I didn't wanna wake up."

That's was a lie but she doesn't need to know that I've been staring at her for an hour.


We both just stare at each other.

"I........I don't know how I ended up on your chest, sorry."

"You don't have to apologize, I really didn't mind."

She tucks her hair behind her ears.

"So I...............I Uh....."

She looks nervous, she looked nervous yesterday too. I don't mean to make her nervous.

"I have a few things to do today so I'm not gonna be home, are you gonna be ok with my parents?" She ask.

"Yeah, I'll manage..................where are you going?"

Is she going to see someone? Or maybe she just doesn't want to be around me.

"I just have a few things I have to do...........I'm leaving to go back to the city tomorrow so I wanted to do some stuff before I leave."

"Oh.........yeah I guess I'm leaving tomorrow too, I actually wanted to talk to you about something." I say.

"Ok, what is it."

I crack my knuckles.

"I know that everything between us isn't fixed and I know you're still upset about the book..........next week I'm having a book sig .."

"Tessa! Hardin! Breakfast!" Her mother calls.

"Coming!" She yells.

"What we're you saying?" She asks.

"Nothing............it doesn't matter." I mumbles.

"Are you sure?"


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