Tessa Chapter 13

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As the snow entangles with my hair and my warm tears turn into small icicles against my cheek I run down the street not really knowing where I'm going, I just need to get as far away from him as possible.

I can't believe this is happening, I thought that the bet was bad but this.........this is so much worse. How could he do this me? Regardless if he actually loved me, who does this to another person..........I trusted him...........I trusted him so much. I can't believe I was considering to forgive him, and he didn't even have the decency to warn me about the book. He didn't even ask me if it was ok, he just profited off me.

And to think I was starting to believe that his love was genuine, that maybe we would work out, that maybe I could forget about the bet. But that's all gone, I never wanna see him ever again. I don't wanna see anyone, I feel like an open wound that everyone can poke. I feel so naked, I feel so disgusting. And the fact that I had to relive that night that I so desperately wanted to forget, that I so desperately wanted to never happen.


Here I am running down the side walk, I don't even know where I'm going. I've never felt so helpless in my entire life, I don't have anyone anymore. I'm all alone.


I need to stop.

I stop running and walk into an ally way, I rest my back against a brick wall and slide down. I tuck my knees into my stomach and cover my face with my hands.

This can't be happening, what happened to me. I'm such a good person, I don't deserve this.

I hate my life.


After sitting here like a loser I slowly stand up, I wipe my face on the sleeve of his jacket. I completely forgot I was wearing this, I should burn it.

But I won't.

I need to think, what am I doing right now.

I.............I need a drink........in need 12 drinks, oh my god.

I tug at my roots.

I need to breathe, and I need to get out of the middle of the fucking road before I get hit by a car. I run to the sidewalk and look around before I start walking in the direction of Zach's apartment, it's not too far and I'm afraid that if I stay out here any longer I'll do something bad.


I walk through the snow with my arms wrapped around myself, no matter how hard I try I can't stop crying.


I walk through the apartment and see Zach and two other guys sitting in the couch, I quickly wipe my eyes.

"Dude who's the chick?" One of the guys asks.

"My friend." Zach says.

"Hi, I'm Tessa." I say.

Zach stands up.

"Let's talk in the kitchen." He whispers.


I follow him to the kitchen.

"I'm sorry, I tried to call you to warn you they were here." He says.

"It's fine, it's your apartment. I'm leaving anyway."

He examines my face.

"You've been crying, what happened?"

"Nothing, I just need to get out of here. I'm leaving for moms in a few days anyway, I don't wanna bother you anymore."

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