Abomination's feet and hands are slowing down.
Dads killing him! What do I do? Should I stop it? Would this still effect Emil? What do you do with two grown men/monsters fighting?
I do the only thing I can, but I don't think it'll work.

"DAD!" I cry over his roars. He didn't hear me. "DAAD!" Another roar as he enjoys strangling the almost dead reptile. "DAAAAD!" I shout. Dad looks the other way from me, but then my way. A look of pleasure washes over his face.
Funny, he's happy, but I have tears streaming down my face. I stare at him, breathing heavy.
"Don't! Don't kill him!" I say. It's weird, but Dad looks at me confused. "He's got a family! He's like us!" I say, hoping Dad knows what I mean. Dad still holds onto the chains while he thinks.
"Dad, let go of him! Now!" I cry. Dad looks to me, then the slowly struggling Abomination. Dad growls and pushes Abomination to the side.

Abomination fell to the ground with a hard thud. Dad glared at him like he was gonna get back up...he didn't. But luckily I came just in time, Morgan might be a killer, but she has a family like mine, and I couldn't let Dad take away the only person who could ever love her. Abomination was breathing hard, but he was tired. I looked up to Dad, he was breathing heavy.

"Dad..." I said. Dad looked down to me. I stepped towards him, Dad shifted to be straight with me. Then, Dad had this emotion on his face, he looked as if he did something wrong. He then fell to his knees and sat like that.
Dad looks away from me, as if I'm ashamed of him.

I stepped closer to Dad.
"Dad..." I said, he didn't look at me. "Dad."
This time, he looked at me. I looked into his eyes, but it wasn't Dad. I'm looking into the eyes of the Hulk. I'm looking into the eyes of the hero.
"It's okay," I tell him. I brush his arm, but he looks away. He's feeling guilt.
"Hey," I say, looking at him, "it's okay." He still doesn't look. Doesn't he know he just saved everyone?
Now it's my turn to feel emotion. I feel the tears fill my eyes again. I can't stop it now that one rolls down my cheek. This time, Hulk looks at me, he then moves his big left green hand towards me. He gently brushes my hair and stops to the end. I take his gigantic hand and bring it out in front of me. I take my hand and put it in his.
"Is this Dad?" I asked. Hulk looks at me, he tightens his hand around mine. "Dad?" I ask once more. His eyes are brown. This is Dad.

I lay my whole hand on his wrist, his heart beat feels slow, but, he's not changing back.
He's not changing back....

Oh no. This isn't happening....his heart beat is slow, and he's still Hulk!
I feel the tears pour down my cheeks as I began to cry. This can't be.
I put my hands on Dad's cheeks and turn his attention back to me as he had looked away.
I look up to Dad. I still see him.
Without another thought I throw my arms around his giant neck. My head rests on his shoulder as my eyes are closed tight. I have to stand on my tiptoes to hug him; I nestle my head into his shoulder, sobbing very quietly.
I've failed. I don't know what to do. I can't bring him back this time I-I don't know what to do!

Then, I feel something. His muscles start to swell down, I feel his arms move up to me as he shrinks down. His head starts to rest on my stomach as he arms start to hug my waist.
Dad's arms squeezes my waist in a hugging way. I look down, to see the one, and only, Bruce Banner. He's back. He's back to normal! I feel relived as I look down again. Dad's head is in my stomach, while his arms are around my waist, the only clothes that shield him are now these big baggy shorts.
Comfort him.
I brush his hair using my left hand and go up and down from the back of his head.
Dad groans and shakes his head a little bit. He lifts his head up.

"Kerry?" He asked. He was still on his knees, so I start to squat. Then I find myself sitting on my knees and looking into Dad's warm brown eyes. I don't say anything, but I rub my thumb across his shoulder and smile to let him know its all alright. Since my hands are on his shoulders, I bring him into a hug, he does the same to me and brushes my hair.
After a minute, I pull away but still keep my hands on his shoulders like he is to me.
"Thanks for being my dad," I say. Dad smiled. He then put his forehead against mine. I smiled. I was looking down at my knees so Dad planted a kiss on my forehead.
"Thanks for giving me the opportunity to be one." Dad said. I smiled, feeling all gushy and warm inside. A smile tugged at the corners of my lips.

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