I open my eyes and quickly grab his gift, I stand up and walk out of my office. I walk down the hall and open his office door, like I expected it's empty. I walk over and drop the gift on desk before I quickly turn to leave, I'm about to leave when something bright yellow  catches my eye. I turn back around and see it sticking out of his closed drawer, I walk around his desk and sit in his chair. I open the drawer and my heart crumbles, I pull one sticky note out of the drawer.


Tessa wore these pants that made her look really good, her outfits are away perfect but I really like this one today. She was wearing these black heels and this really sexy shirt, she looked so professional."


She gave me a hand job in my office today, best thing in the world. I can't want to go home and show her how thankful I am by having my tongue inside her."

"I think it's Tuesday

Her hair was styled so pretty today, she looked absolutely gorgeous. Who am I kidding, she always looks absolutely stunning. I get kinda jealous that other people get to look at her, is that a bit possessive.......no, well maybe a little bit but I get to be protective of what's mine. I just love her so much, she's like my own personal ray of sunshine which I know I've said before but whatever. I just, I can't believe how crazy I am about this woman, she's literally everything to me."

I don't realize I'm crying until I sniffle and snot runs down my nose, I wipe it with my sleeve.

I keep reading post it note after post it note.

"Remind Tessa she has a dentist appointment on Tuesday at 5:30."

"Tessas mom called to remind me that we can visit whenever."


Tess called me handsome today, it made me  smile. I usually hate compliments but when she gives them my heart turns to slush and I become a needy boy at a candy store."





We are still fighting, I don't think she'll ever forgive me this time. But what I did was horrific, I used her for a bet and spent the money I won off her to buy her a necklace out of guilt. How fucking pathetic, she'll never take me back."

The notes go on and on and as I read each one I become more of a mess.

I decide enough is enough and shove all the notes back in the drawer and shut it, I wipe my face. I can't believe this, he used the money from the bet to buy me the necklace he gave me on our anniversary. I thought he bought me this because he loved me, not because he was guilty and felt bad.

I love this necklace because it was the first time someone had given me something special, but now that I know that it was all a lie.........that things I thought were genuine were just fake.

I reach my hand up and grasp the necklace in my hand before I yank hard and rip it from my neck, the hearts fall off the chain and drop to the floor. I drop the remainder of the necklace on his desk before I leave his office in tears with yet another part of my shattered heart broken, at this point I don't have any heart left.

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