The bar.

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I see Vaggie and Charlie sitting at the bar, Charlie seemingly comforting her. Charlie spots me at the door, but I signal to her to not say anything. She nods. I walk over, and sit down next to Charlie. Vags is crying hard. I'm guessing because she almost died, but the second that thought pops into my head, she croaks out a sentence I never thought I'd hear from her.

Vaggie: I-I never even got to tell him I love him.

What? She, did she say she loves me? Do I even like her like that? What the fuck? I, I need a drink.

Y/N: Can I get a shot of rum?

Bartender: Any specific kind?

Y/N: Just give me the strongest stuff you got.

Bartender: Satans finest, gotcha.

He pours me a shot, and I down it. Goes down smooth, like all alcohol should. Vaggie mumbles to herself.

Vaggie: Great, now I hear him speaking.

I think, do I like Vaggie? As a friend, most definitely, as a potential lover, I'm not sure. I guess I could give it a shot, see how it goes. Charlie and I look at each other, she mouths the phrase.

Charlie: Should I leave?

I nod, I need to talk to her in private, well not private but you get the idea. Charlie taps Vaggie's shoulder.

Charlie: Vaggie dear, I'm going to the bathroom, I'll be right back ok?".

Vaggie: *sniff* Okay.

When Charlie walks away, I scoot over and sit down next to her. She has a empty beer mug in front of her, so I say to the bartender quietly.

Y/N: (Whispering) A tap beer for me, and a refill on hers.

Bartender: (Whispering) ok.

He walks away, and soon returns with two mugs. He places one in front of me, and places the other in front of Vags. She picks her head up and looks at the bartender confused.

Vaggie: I d-didn't order a refill did I?

Bartender: You didn't, that fella next to you did.

She looked over confused, and sees me. Her eyes go wide.

Vaggie: Y-Y/N?

Y/N: The one and only.

Vaggie: I-I thought you died?

Y/N: Got out through a window.

She just stared at me for a few seconds, then latched onto me like I was about to disappear if didn't. I'm startled but hug back. She's pouring her heart out, confessing a love, a apology for being a bitch, and 2 questions.

Vaggie: Can you forgive me? If so, do you think you could you love me?

I know I can forgive her, but I need to think on the second part. Actually, you know what? Fuck it. I do love her, how could I not? I ran into a burning building to try and save her, you only do that for three reasons. the most important reason, is if it's your pet, the second most important reason, is if it's your family, the third most important reason, is if it's someone you love. I look her in the eye, and say honestly and truthfully.

Y/N: Yes, I can forgive you, and, I love you too.

Her eyes go wide, and her embrace tightens around me. Charlie, who did indeed use the bathroom, just returned  from the toilet. She walked over, took a picture of us, and sat down. Her heart had melted at the sight, and knew that she was making them live together when they get the new building up and running.

Charlie: Hey Vags?

Vaggie: Y-yeah?

Charlie: You're moving in with him when we get the new building up.

Vaggie: Yeah I planned on doing that anyways.

Charlie: Heh, yeah.

Y/N: Out of curiosity, where are we staying?

Charlie: Us three are staying with my parents.

Y/N: Nice, sounds good.

Charlie: Let's go, okay?

Vaggie: Yeah

Y/N: Yeah

We got ready and left the bar, heading for Charlie's Parents house.

Chapter End

The Tommy & the moth. (Hazbin Hotel Vaggie x Reader)Where stories live. Discover now