The first day.

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Its my first official day! I get dressed in my brand new uniform, my now clean service dress, boots and puttees, visor cap, and white belt with a buckle bearing HH, the initials of the hotel. I walk down to the lobby and am greeted by a overexcited Charlie.

Y/N: Woah, what's got you up and going this morning Charlie?

Charlie: Only the fact we have the sharpest looking demon I've ever seen as our newest employee!

I chuckle to myself and blush.

Y/N: So what's my job here?

Charlie: I've talked it over with Vaggie, and we've decided to make you our head of security!

Y/N: Huh, what does that entail?

Charlie: So you run our security, meaning you get to hire guards, arrange what self defense they get to use, and make sure they don't hurt people for no reason!

Y/N: Sounds good, what do I do today?

Charlie: Well, we're not often busy, so you'll get to just learn the basics your first few days.

Y/N: Alright.

I go around the hotel, hanging out and keeping a eye on the staff, making sure they don't do anything bad. I catch Husker stealing booze, but figure it's a regular occurrence, so I don't say anything. I hum to myself as I explore the top floor, holding a webley mk iv revolver. As I walk around a corner, a large dog like demon tackles me. It's not a hellhound, but it looks like one.


It was a wolf, not sentient. I freak out, pull out my revolver and plant a bullet between its eyes. I get up, claw marks in my chest and my legs. I stumble downstairs, still not sure what the actual hell just happened. I get to the lobby, bloodied, bruised, but still standing. Heavily breathing and sputtering, I walk to the back, to not track blood on the carpets. I spot Vaggie and walk over.

Y/N: Hey, Vaggie?

Vaggie: Yeah Y/N.... What the hell happened to you?

Y/N: Patrolled the top floor, wolf attacked me.

Vaggie: it wasn't white with red spots was it?

Y/N: No, it was dark grey, like a standard wolf.

Vaggie: Well fuck, I bet it was Angel leaving the door open again. The stupid dumbass is only good for sucking dick and not much else.

Y/N: That's not good considering this is a hotel and not a whore house.

Vaggie: I know! But Charlie doesn't fire him because "he has potential," spoiler alert, HE FUCKING DOESNT!

It's clear she's pissed, I listen to her ranting. After a thirty minute rant I'm getting lightheaded.

Y/N: Uhh, Vaggie?

Vaggie: Oh, yeah Y/N?

Y/N: I hate to interrupt your rant but I'm about to pass out from blood loss.

Vaggie: Oh shit, sorry Y/N, Cmon I'll fix you up.

I follow her to a fully equipped medical room.

Vaggie: Now, this is going to be personal, but I need you to take your tunic, field shirt, and Pants off.

Y/N: You need me to what now?

Vaggie: I know it sound like I'm trying to get in your pants but I can't bandage you up until you do.

I sigh, blush, and then do what she asked. When I finish, I look at her and say.

Y/N: Please for the love of god be quick.

Vaggie: I'll try, sit down on the chair.

I do. She quickly bandages up my legs, then throws me my pants.

Vaggie: Put these on before Anyone sees this.

Y/N: Of course, it was feeling awkward.

I throw the pants on with a quick urgency.

Vaggie: Okay, now stand up so I can bandage up your chest.

Y/N: Yes mam.

I stand up, and she bandages me up quickly. I put my clothes back on quickly. I pat her on the shoulder.

Y/N: Thanks Vaggie, I appreciate it.

Vaggie: No problem, if you need anything don't hesitate to ask.

Y/N: I won't.

We walk back to the lobby talking to each, cracking jokes, shit talking Angel, and learning about each other. When we get to the lobby, Angel and Charlie look at us.

Angel: Well Vags looks like you finally found a guy you trust huh?

Vaggie blushes, then pushes me away from her.

Vaggie: I-I don't trust him, yet! I want to get to know him so I can trust him!

Wait, wasn't I just almost completely naked in front of her like three minutes ago? I just shrug it off as just not wanting to let Angel give her shit.

Angel: Oh sure, then why are you blushing so hard then?

Vaggie: Uhhh, oh just make yourself useful and go suck someone off!

Angel: Heh sorry toots, not during business hours.

Vaggie: When has that ever fucking stopped you?

She stormed off. Angel can go suck a dick, literally.

Chapter End.

The Tommy & the moth. (Hazbin Hotel Vaggie x Reader)Where stories live. Discover now