Fire, and a escape.

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I walk around the Hotel a few weeks later, Vaggie has been acting really odd lately. She's been real bitchy, not like, "he fucked up" bitchy, the brand of bitchy she only uses on Angel and Al. I'm honestly really sad, I liked her a lot. I found her relatable. But as I'm walking with a briefcase to the newly deemed security office, I see her again. I wave at her with a smile, she just ignored me and kept walking. Well, guess I'll go fuck myself then. I go sit down in my office, and pull out a couple of photos. One of my brother Henry, and one of my parents. It didn't strike me till now, but my brother probably got sent down here too, maybe I can track him down. I miss him dreadfully. It's, calm, almost too calm. As I drew on a sketch pad gifted to me by a guest. We had three guests, all soldiers, two Russians and a fellow Brit. I relax, till a fire alarm goes through the hotel. I smell smoke, and it's obvious there's a fire. I get outside, and see most of the staff, excluding Vaggie.

Y/N: Where's Vaggie?!

Charlie: I don't know!

Angel: Why are you so worried Brit?

Angel often called me Brit, but right now I'm too worried.

Y/N: Shit!

I run inside, looking for her.

POV change, Vaggie POV

I get out, where's Y/N? God, I hope he got out okay. I've started developing feelings for him, but I didn't want to believe it, so I started ignoring him, being a bitch to him, hoping the feelings would go away. No, I won't deny my feelings anymore. I'll tell him how I feel, whether he reciprocates or not, I need to tell him.

Charlie: Oh my god! Vags you're okay!

Vaggie: Where's Y/N, is he okay?!

Alastor: Oh no, Y/N's in the building!

Vaggie: WHAT?!

Charlie: He ran in to find you!

Vaggie: I need to go get him!

As I turn to run in, I feel hands firmly gripping my arms.

Alastor: Sorry Vagatha but I cannot let you do that!

I start thrashing, my eyes starting to water.

Vaggie: No! NO! I need to save him, I can't just let him die again!

Just as I'm about to break free, I can feel Charlie and Angel grab me as well, clutching me tightly. I start screaming, thrashing like a cornered animal.

Vaggie: Let me go god damn you! I can't!

The building fell, more then likely killing Y/N, and killing my dreams of a relationship with him along with it. I'm now really crying, freaking out.

Vaggie: Why?! You mother fuckers why?! You sons of bitches! God damn it!

I fell to my knees after they let me go, a crying sobbing mess. I'm sorry Y/N, I wish I could've saved you.

POV change, Y/N POV, 10-20 minutes prior.
Im flooding the first floor, trying to find her, but I can't find her. I spend several minutes trying to find her, when I hear something. A explosion, above me. Oh fuck, fuck fuck fuck! I scream.


I hear nothing, besides the upper floors falling in. Oh no, I need to get out of here! I start crying, sprint to a nearby window, and jump out of said window. As I jump out, my boot gets caught by falling debris. I immediately try pulling my boot off, but the glass breaks freeing it. I run across a street, hiding behind a dumpster, crying to myself. I'm angry, disgusted with myself, and sad. Sad that I couldn't save her. After a hour of crying like a little bitch, I decide to go to the bar to drink my sorrows away. I walk in, and see her sitting at the bar.

Chapter End

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