The Incident

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There is no shame in falling down. True shame is in not trying to get back up
~ Midorima Shintaro

A certain red headed giant appears out of the corner of my eye. I smile softly to myself and run up to him. "Kagami-kun!" The taller man jumps slightly in surprise. "Kuroko, don't do that!" I tilt my head in confusion, "Hmm? Do what?" Kagami-kun narrows his eyes, "Dont sneak up on me like that!" I innocently look up at him, "I don't know what you're talking about." He smiles back at me. "You're a strange one, Kuroko."

"Kuroko!" I glance over at Kagami-kun and punch the ball in his direction, letting him dunk. "Nice pass!" "Great work, Kagami.. Kuroko." I nod slightly and high five Hyuga. 23-36 it's only a practice match against our members but- "Kuroko!" I look over at Kagami-kun why did he call my name..? "Kuroko-kun!" Riko..? Everyone looks at me in shock. My eyes widen as I see the floor coming closer.. And closer. My muscles stiffen. Why..? Why can't I move? "Kuroko!!!!" Pain spreads throughout my head and my vision blurs. What is happening...? Blackness fills my vision as I see everyone crowding around me.

"-uroko?" Huh..? "Kuroko?" My vision is blurry, I can barely tell who's who. "Wha.. Kagami-kun?" I roll my head to the side to see everyone. "Kise-kun? Momoi-San? Hyuga-Senpai..?" I turn my attention to my surroundings. "Where.. am I?" Riko sniles softly. "You're in the hospital, Kuroko. You collapsed during practice." Momoi-San holds back tears. "You're pushing yourself too much, Tetsu-kun!" I smile softly up at them. "What happened..?" Kise-kun hovers over my head. "The doctor doesn't know. Based on some tests he says that your levels are normal and he doesn't know what caused it but he thinks it may be recurring." Great.. Just perfect. "So..? How are you?" Hyuga-Senpai.. "I feel fine. Just groggy and my vision is blurry..." Kagami-kun chuckles. "It must be the medicine and as for your vision you have an eyepatch on." I furrow my eyebrows. "Huh..? Why?" They shrug. "The doctor didnt tell us."

The door outside my room clicks open. "Hello, Kuroko Tetsuya, correct?" I nod. "Yes, sir." The tall man makes his way to the right side of the bed. "Excuse me, but can you leave? I need to talk to Kuroko alone." Everyone nods and quietly walk out the room. "Now.. About your eye. Well.. I think it's better if you see for yourself." My muscles stiffen. What's wrong with it? The doctor hands a mirror to me and starts to unwrap my left eye. I expectantly stare at my reflection. What's wrong with it?

The material falls off my face. Tears sting at my slightly widened eyes. Why.. Why did this happen?

A/N: Please comment, vote and share. I like feedback. Comment things you'd like to see happen or anything like that

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