21| Late Night Rendezvous

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I wake to tingles on my skin like thousands of tiny ants are marching along my arms and legs until all I can think about is that feeling

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I wake to tingles on my skin like thousands of tiny ants are marching along my arms and legs until all I can think about is that feeling. I wake up disoriented, scratching at invisible ants on my arms and breathing heavily like I just ran a mile.

My room is dark and it takes my eyes ages to finally focus on my surroundings. My room is empty but something forces my mind on high alert, searching every space for an intruder. There isn't one.

I sigh a breath of relief even when my mind doesn't relax, I force my body too. Laying back down into the comfort of my bed and trying to let the sleep fog take over my mind. Just like when I'm practicing magic I force each body part into calmness, starting with my feet and traveling upwards until my brain but even then it doesn't relax.

Something is coming, the thought enters my mind just as a battle cry echoes around my room. I jump up immediately hearing a crashing noise from the hallway. I ran out of my room quickly and found Annie in her nightclothes running towards my room to check on me.

I relax ever so slightly but when we meet somewhere in the middle of the hallway I can see her eyes wide that all I see is the whites of them, the image sends fear down my spine. She holds my hands for a second looking me over before dropping them.

"What's going on?" My voice is shaky but I try to hold it steady, Annie rushes away from me before answering walking back into her room, I follow quickly behind her.

"The school is under attack." Her words are so simple, that they make the heavy dread in my stomach explode into full anxiety. 

I hold my breath trying to fight off the panic attack. Annie doesn't let anything slow her down, she's grabbing things out of her closet, and quickly she magicks herself out of her nightclothes and into dark clothes.

She's going to fight, the thought threatens me into fainting but I hold it back.

"What's the plan?" I ask her to try to be strong as she pulls out staff from deep in her closet.

It's a beautiful dark wood piece, the same color as the wood behind the cottages, and has a brightly glowing ball on the top, which right now seems to be pulsating to echo my heart's erratic beating. It has carvings etched into the wood but I can't make out the images in my racing mind.

"We are doing nothing, you are going into the closet next to your bedroom and hiding until this is over."

She turns her hand holding the staff and that powerful atmosphere of hers is back on full force. I nod my head without taking in her words but then quickly stop and shake them.

"Hide?" I wish it didn't send a slight calming to my stomach. I wish I was stronger. My first goal should be to protect the school and not just protect myself.

My eyes flashback to Annie standing there dressed and powerful but still seeming like the Grandmother she had portrayed for so many years of my life.

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