17| Pack Meeting

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I could see the blonde halo of hair around the base leaves of the tree, my eyes rolling involuntarily. I stepped around it with a glare carefully placed on my face as Mila gives me a shit-eating grin.

"Well. Well. Who do we have here?" She says it in a sing-songy voice.

"What do you want Mila?" My voice is curt, saying goodbye to Aislynn when she's trying to help just to come face to face with this bitch is not something that makes me happy. In fact, it makes me want to go back to the cottage just to be alone.

Mila is surrounded by the two girls from the classroom and the image of them don't make me nervous, not like they have for the past two months. For the first time, I think I might actually have the confidence to stand up for myself.

I don't know how well my skills and magic will come out as I've never done it quickly or on the fly but I think I can do this. At the very least I think I can bluff my way through.

So I place a careful smirk on my face and slowly step around the tree, standing right in front of them.

"I was just going for a stroll, looking for something fun to do, and then like a wish from the Moon Goddess you showed your face." She winks at me but I stand my ground, crossing my arms over my chest as I watch her.

"You seem to be alone so who were you talking to before we arrived?" One of the friends asks I've never bothered to learn their names but I'm almost certain her name is Jessica or something.

I carefully turn my head ever so slightly, giving her a confused look.

"Don't play stupid, Human," the word spat out again like it's something to be ashamed of, "we all heard you talking. Werewolf hearing." The other friend says this one I'm less sure of it might be Rose or Oliva. All of her friends seem to blur together into one.

I smile at them.

"Maybe I was talking to myself. Is that not allowed?" I wink at them, a zag of excitement running through my chest when they all look back at me with disgust clearly outlined in their eyes. I chuckle at them because I can't hold in my happiness and annoy them so much.

"By the way, I think it's official now, you can't call me human-like it's something you found on the bottom of your shoes." I keep my voice level and take a step closer to Mila. Her eyes widening for a second in shock before she pulls her features back into her bored expression.

"And why is that human?" She twists her head slightly as she waits.

I grin using my teeth more than I normally would as I lean into her.

"Because darling, I have found my magic and you have already pissed me off enough." I stand up straighter, winking at her before turning my back to her and walking to my tree, the tree I created with that magic. As I pat the bark I look back to see Mila's mind connecting the dots.

"So you're an Earth Witch?" I don't correct her, it might be better to let her think I'm an earth witch so if I need to protect myself from her she won't be expecting the fire. "What are you going to do? You're a low-level Earth Witch and we are werewolves."

She laughs but I notice the way her friends take a shocked second before following her suit, their eyes stuck on the fully grown tree clearly out of place in the middle of the clearing. This is not something some low-level witch can do, clearly.

I don't let her words scare me, not after seeing her friend's reaction. Instead, I smirk at her.

"Am I some low-level witch? Is that something you want to test with me?" I wink at her, noticing the shifting feet behind her and the small tap on the shoulder from possible Rose. Mila ignores them, her eyes losing some of the flames but she still grins wickedly at me.

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