Chptr 8: New Turn

Start from the beginning

"Dominik... what's going on with you?" I finally dared to ask, he sighed and looked at me then spoke calmly but you can still feel the pain in his words "i wish i can tell you, but i can't" , "please i need to know, i can help you" i pleaded but he shook his head "no one can help me, it's not as easy as it seems" he replied "are you being bullied? I can transfer you to another school or talk to the principal or.." he interrupted "it's not as simple mom" then he opened up his cellphone and showed me few texts on his phone "have fun, having dinner with your mother and her boyfriend" one of the texts say "you think you can just run away Dominik? Whether you're at school or not we still have our eyes on you" the other one said "don't play on our nerves or you and your mother will pay" and the threats keeps going down "who are these guys?! How did they know all of those information?! What do they want?! Why?!" I asked all at once panicking he shut his eyes closed tightly as tears started to drop on his cheeks

"they won't leave us... they force me into doing things for them... they beat me and use me as a punching bag... if i try to fight back they threaten to either hurt me more or hurt you" he said almost in a whisper "we should call the cops" i suggested "it will make it worst" he looked frightened "what are we supposed to do then?" I sighed in complete sadness and confusion "nothing, you pretend not to know and i keep praying they'll get bored of me" he replied sniffing "but..." i protested "mom these guys are dangerous, those bruises are nothing to what they can actually do" he shook his head and held my hand squeezing it.

"There has to be something to do! I can't just sit there and watch them harm you! Dom please allow me to help you" i sighed but he sat up and looked at me "stay out of it mom, or it will make it worst" i nodded, i can't allow them to hurt my son! I must find a way to stop them even though they seem dangerous i must do something whether he'll like it or not.

"Can we... never talk about that subject again? Home is the only safe place for me... i don't want to think about any of that here" he sighed and i nodded smiling weakly "sure anything you want sweetie" he smiled back and laid down once again i ran my fingers through his hair "don't you have homework to do?" I asked "no" he replied calmly "what do you want to do then?" He shrugged so we just sat there quietly him laying his head on my lap and me lost in my thoughts.


Dominik's POV:


*flash back*

"You fucking cheated on me Brad for the third time!" I heard my mom's voice from the bathroom where my father had locked me, she was yelling at him so loudly "I didn't do that Hailey come on babe, don't do this!" My dad said trying to calm her down "Stop lying you dickhead! I'm tired of your lies, your bullshit what have i ever done but trying to make you happy and work things up for our son?!" She yelled , "fuck it! Yes i cheated on you what are you gonna do about it little whore? You never loved me ! never made me feel right ! I'm sick of you and your whiny crappy self! And guess what you are stuck with me for the rest of your life cause if you'll open up your mouth I'll beat the shit out of you" he threatened "go fuck your self" she said then she started to scream in pain with a teary voice, i think he was hitting her as usual I'm so scared i started to cry I screamed every time she screamed "where in the fuck is that voice coming from?" I heard dad saying, oh no he heard me. with few seconds he opened the door and started to hit me hard "I'm sorry I won't do it again" I cried begging him to stop "you worthless piece of shit! I asked you to do a simple thing which is to shut your fucking mouth but you can't cause you're nothing but a failure!" He yelled his usual words "mom" i yelled begging for help.
I don't understand why is he treating us like that? What have we ever done to him ? The pain was getting harder and at this point i was drawing in my own blood so I decided to just close my eyes.
I heard my mom's voice as she was dragging her self fighting to stand up she saw me lying in blood she screamed "Dominik" that's the only thing i remembered before waking up in a hospital
*End of flash back*

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 07, 2017 ⏰

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