The Phantom's Circus Part 10

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              There were barely a foot between them, yet it felt like miles and all she wanted to do was close that distance. They simply held each other for a long time, in a soft embrace that felt stronger than anything. 

             After a faint whimper sounded out from the living room, Christine spoke finally "She's awake, I- we should go check on her." he said nothing, merely nodding as they walked out of the kitchen and into the living room where Eurydice sat, rubbing the tiredness from her eyes. 

               The color had seemed to return to her cheeks, and when her mother pressed a palm to her forehead it was clear that her fever had finally broke. Christine smiled widely.

"You gave us quite a fright darling." she explained warmly.

           Eurydice looked around the small living room, then back at Christine and the strange man a few steps behind her. 

"Where are we mama?" the child spoke in confusion

"I've been staying with a... friend. And when you fell ill Mrs V brought you here so we could take care of you." Christine explained

        The child nodded but looked up quickly in a panic. "Will you still come on the last weekend of the month like always since you already saw me today?!" tears had already begun to grow in her eyes and she was embraced quickly by Christine. 

"Yes of course darling! I'll be there I promise." 

        The weary child asked no questions about the masked stranger, and fell asleep soundly against her mothers chest. 


         After a while, Christine was able to part herself from Eurydice and return the blanket over her. Erik had gone into the kitchen to prepare supper for the three of them, and when Christine entered the room smelled strongly of different herbs and spices she couldn't place.

"I will have to go into work tomorrow, people will grow suspicious. I'm not really one to miss work that often."

        Her words felt awkward with him, like they were strangers to each other. She had only ever known Erik as and Angel or a Phantom. And that night they were together had been her only experience of truly being with him. A part of her was just as afraid to be vulnerable with him as he was with her.

"I see."

        He had barely spoken to her since she had told him Eurydice was his, and it terrified her to see him so silent. 

"I...noticed and advertisement for an apartment complex seeking more occupants."

       Erik turned towards her, his brow arched on the unmasked side of his face.

"Its near to the show and to Eurydice so that's go-"

"You wish to leave?"

      His words caught her off guard. Its not that she wanted to leave, but she had assumed Erik would want her to find elsewhere. This was all supposed to be...temporary.

"I thought you would...want me to go. After...." she trailed off in a silent mention to Eurydice.

 "You think I would cast you off in such a way? After you've told me I have a daughter??" his brow furrowed further as he stepped away from the large pot boiling on the stove and close to her. 

"I don't...expect anything from you Erik, it's not my wish for you to feel obligated to do so."

          Suddenly, before she could register it Erik had strode towards her with a feline like speed and placed his hands on her face, pulling her close enough so that they almost shared one breath. Christine swore she could feel her heartbeat in her throat. 

"Christine, let me make it clear to you, that in what ever way you allow me to I will support our child and you until the day I shed my last breath. I will forever regret the years I have missed because of my cowardice but I swear to you, I will not waste one more minute."

        Tears silently fell from her eyes, where they were met with Erik's fingers wiping them softly. His eyes were filled with a plea, a question. And Christine herself knew in that moment, as she pressed her lips to his, that she was safe for the first time in almost seven years.

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 23, 2022 ⏰

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