The Phantom's Circus Part 6

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          Erik's home was quite small, and hidden away through a door in an alley. There were practically no windows and the small fireplace in the entrance provided most of the light. A few small sofas also sat in front of it with a small table in the center. A door stood on the left of the fireplace in the corner along the wall, and guessing by what she could see through its cracked opening it must have been a kitchen. Two more doors stood over on the right, with a small staircase leading to another room parallel to the fireplace. It was small but neatly decorated. Erik shut and locked the door behind the two and draped his cloak onto a hanger by the door. "I have a spare room used for storage, the old owners left a bed inside." He gestured for her to follow him and led her up the staircase, when he opened the door she saw an array of stacked boxes and furniture covered in white drapes all around the room, it was quite large and the roof was at an angle. Much to Christine's shock, there was a small window right above the small bed by the wall. "There is a lavatory beyond that door" he said, pointing to it on the left. He turned to leave but Christine spoke first. "Erik" he looked back, seeming to expect a request, and his eyes seemed all to eager to comply. But she had none "Thank you." she spoke softly. He gave her a small smile, and left, closing the door behind him.

          Christine looked around her, noticing that this room was larger than her apartment. But that was a shocking comparison considering the cheapness of her old one. While she was incredibly grateful that Erik was welcoming her into his home she couldn't stop the fear. Not of Erik, but of Raoul, and what he would do if he found out she was with Erik. She knew she was putting him in danger, and she had no plans of staying too long. She was going to have to change her appearance a bit if she wanted to stay hidden until Raoul went off to the next location if he continued the search for her. Christine set down her suit case and walked over to the small window. A part of Christine, deep down still held some fear for Erik. After the night of ill Muto she always had. But strangely, she felt safe in his presence. Something inside her told her that he would be the solution to everything. She just needed to figure out how.

       An hour or so later, Christine was sitting on her bed and trying to figure out how to fix everything. There has to be a way she thought. I cant just pack up and leave the country...again. A knock at the door interrupted her thoughts, and after telling Erik to come in, he did so with a tray of food in his hands. It was late, but Christine realized she hadn't eaten since lunch, and had just now noticed the hunger boiling in her stomach. "I figured you might be hungry" he said simply. It was strange to see him doing such a mundane task. It made him look so...human. Christine nodded and gave her thanks. But just as Erik turned to leave she spoke out "Erik wait" he turned to her quickly, with a look of curiosity on his face already. Tears began brimming her eyes already as she shrugged in frustration. "What should I do?" her voice choked halfway through speaking, and she gave up trying to stop crying as the tears forced their ways through and down her cheeks. Erik stepped forward until he was just in front of her and took her shoulders in his hands. "I wont let him hurt you again Christine." she looked up and met his gaze, letting herself fall into the power it held over her still, after all these years. She tried to speak but found no words, only sobs that escaped her lips as Erik pulled her close and she wrapped her arms around his back. The two stayed like this for a while, or it felt like it. 

        Never had Christine felt so safe in anyone's arms. Not even Raoul's after Ill Muto. And sh relished in the warmth their embrace provided. His arms we light and gently around her, as if he was afraid that he wasnt allowed to be holding her like this. The two pulled back unwillingly from their embrace. "Everything will work out the way its supposed to Christine" Erik said softly at the doorway, never failing to make Christine shiver every time he said her name, but in a shockingly good way. He met her gaze and held it, seeming to savor every moment of it. "I promise." The door clicked as he shut it, and Christine's eyes trailed to the tray of food beside her, which she ate quickly. But afterwards she found her self plagued with a different type of hunger. 

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